Year 3 - 1st April
Date: 1st Apr 2021 @ 4:28pm
Hi everyone!
A huge well done to you all for a fantastic first few weeks back in school. You have all worked incredibly hard on writing your 'lost' stories the past few weeks, learning lots about Tudor life and creating and reading maps. I know you have all worked very hard on your science topic of 'animals and humans' too. We have also been learning the story of Mary Magdalene and Jesus' resurrection.
We will continue with PE on Wednesday after Easter, so please wear your PE kit for this. We will also have forest school on Friday afternoons so bring a change of shoes if needed.
Here are a few photos of some of the things we have been up to this half term. I hope you all have a wonderful Easter holiday and I look forward to seeing you all back on Monday 19th April.
Mrs Pirie