Year 2 Week beginning 25th September

Date: 29th Sep 2017 @ 4:03pm

Our big news this week is that we have the wonderful Miss Ashworth back to work with us in Year 2. The children have had her as their teacher on a Tuesday afternoon last year and they have welcomed her back with open arms. We are all very excited to work alongside her and help her to complete her final year of her degree.

In English this week we have been blown away! The children have used their knowledge and understanding of adventure stories and written their own story. We started by using our boxing up plan, which helps us outline the ideas we wanted to use and created an opening, problem, resolution and ending. It has been wonderful to witness the children confidently writing stories and using technique taught over the last 3 weeks.

In Maths we have brought together our learning of place value. The children have sequenced multiples of 2, 3, 5 and 10 and commented on their findings. Although the children found it a little tricky to talk about their findings at the start of the week, by today the children have used sentences such as, ‘I have noticed’ and ‘I think that’ correctly.

In science this week we have been looking at the effects of exercise on our bodies. After discussing how we need to have a balanced diet to stay healthy, we have looked at the other things we need to do alongside this. The children then took part in a series of activities, which increased their heart rate, and then discussed the other affects that this had on their bodies. 

Running in athletics was the main focus in our PE lessons this week. The children took part in different running activities and explored techniques to help improve their speed.

In RE this week we have assessed our understanding of good news.

Wishing you all another lovely weekend, filled with crunchy autumn leaves and warm sunshine

Brereton C E Primary School

School Lane, Brereton Green, Sandbach, Cheshire, CW11 1RN

Administration Assistant: Mrs S Henderson
or Senco: Richard Cotton

Tel: 01270 918931

Email: [email protected]

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