Year 2 WC 7th September 2020
Date: 11th Sep 2020 @ 2:55pm
Well we've had our first full week back in school and the children are all really settling in to the new routines.
In maths this week we have focused on place value: counting to 100, partitioning two digit numbers, comparing numbers, finding 1 more/1 less. We'll continue with this next week as we'll move onto the Year 2 Place Value objectives. You can help at home by finding opportunities to count objects up to 100 and saying how many tens and ones the number has; reading and writing two digit numbers and asking questions such as 'If I had one more/ took one way, how many would I have now?'
In English we have started exploring our text The Night Gardener. We began by looking at some hedgecutters with a tag saying 'For William' next to a building called 'Grimloch Orphanage'. The children had some imaginative ideas about what the story might be about and we discussed the meaning of 'grim' and what an orphanage was. We have also been learning about nouns and adjectives, joining them together to create expanded noun phrases. After exploring new vocabulary that we came across in the story, the children then had a go at writing them in their own sentences.
In PE, the children were fantastic with the Multiflex coaches. They commented on how well the children listened and tried their best in all the activities. Due to the availabilty of the hall, we will be doing PE outside for this half term, not gymnastics as stated on the topic web. Therefore please can children ensure they are wearing their winter PE kit when the weather is cooler.
I have set My Maths this week and English homework will start on Monday. For those children who are reading the colour banded books for guided reading, a copy of their text is on the Pupil Area of the website. We encourage the children to read books several times to help to improve their fluency so it would be really helpful if they can read their guided reading book at home too. Pupil logins have been stuck in your child's planner inside the front page.
The Welcome to Year 2 powerpoint is now in the files on the Year 2 page so please take a look at this as it has all the information you need about our class.
I hope you have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Saunders