Year 2 w/b 7th October 2024

Date: 11th Oct 2024 @ 4:31pm


In our collective worship this week, we shared the story Jesus feeding the 5000, Matthew 14:13-21. We thought about the boy who offered to share his food and why would he offer it when it was his? The bread and fish was shared with the crowd and it was freely and generously given which meant that there was enough to go around. We then thought about what we had to give and if we had ever thought that it was not enough. If we give what we have generously it will always be enough and will help us live together well. When one is hungry, we are all hungry. Ending with our reflection—how can you build someone up today?


We have been learning about the religion Islam. We looked at the holy book, The Qur’an, and the rules that Muslims follow to show respect to the Qur’an. Some of the rules include;

You must clean before you handle the Qur’an, The Qur’an is kept safe on a high shelf, The Qur’an is never placed on the floor, it is always on a stand and the Qur’an is wrapped in cloth before being stored.


The children are writing a letter, relying to Tom’s letter, and telling him about the dangers he may face as he continues his journey down the river and give him some ideas how to get past the dangers. The children are using descriptive language to build up a picture of the setting that they are describing in their letter. The book The River by Marc Martin has been used as a vehicle text to our writing this half term.


In maths we continue to look at addition and subtraction. Our focus has been on adding strategies to support us when adding to, and adding across, ten. We started by adding a one digit number to get us to the next ten e.g. 28 +  _ = 30 and then used this skill to add a two digit and one digit number. An example of this would be 56 + 7 = where we would start by adding past of seven to get to the next ten as 56 + 4 = 60 then add the rest 60 + 3 = 63. This strategy will be reflected in the children’s practice journals.

PSHE – Types of Bullying

In this week’s lesson the children could explain the difference between bullying and isolated unkind behaviour. They could also recognise that there are different types of bullying and unkind behaviour and that both are unacceptable ways of behaving. We all joined in and learnt a song called ‘Being a Good Friend’.


The children have been learning the difference between human features and natural features on maps. They looked at a map of a town and spotted some good things and some areas for improvement. In groups of three they have started designing their own towns, think about what they would like in it, making sure there is a good mix of human features and natural features.


This week we used our sewing skills to sew together our hand puppets. This was a tricky skill but it was wonderful to see the focus and concentration from all children. The pride they showed when they had finished sewing was brilliant! Next week we will add the finishing details to our puppets and evaluate our creations. We can’t wait to share them with you.


As we move through our unit of work on animals including humans, we have begun to look in more detail at our human need for food. We were given a selection of foods to sort and classify. We soon realised that we had come up with many valid ways to sort the foods and each way had great logic supporting the sorting process. We then looked at the five food groups that scientists sort food into: fruit and vegetables, carbohydrates, proteins, dairy and, fats and oils. This then progressed to looking at the food pyramid and sorting foods based on their food type. Children have come home this week with a food diary to write down some of the things they eat over the course of the week. We will use these in our science lesson next week to support our learning.


Our gymnastic skills continued this week with the development of the bunny hop jump from Year One. The progression in Year Two has been to refine our skills including pointed toes and working on apparatus when jumping. Next week we will bring together all of our skills from this half term to create a sequence including jumps, rolls, shapes and balances.


Tickets for the Bonfire and Fireworks night are now on sale.

We would like to introduce you all to Miss Hayes who you may have seen working with Year Two. She is one of three student teachers we have in school as part of the CDAT school-based teacher training partnership.

The children very much enjoyed sharing their learning with you on Thursday and loved hearing all positive messages in our Year Two ‘wow book’. Thank you again for your continued support.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend,

Mrs Lindersen and Mrs Forrester

Brereton C E Primary School

School Lane, Brereton Green, Sandbach, Cheshire, CW11 1RN

Administration Assistant: Mrs S Henderson
or Senco: Richard Cotton

Tel: 01270 918931

Email: [email protected]

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