Year 2 WC 23rd November 2020
Date: 27th Nov 2020 @ 3:25pm
We've had a busy week in Year 2 now that we've started rehearsals for our nativity, Busy Busy Bethlehem. It's wonderful to hear the children enjoying singing again. We've certainly missed it. Please can children continue to practise their lines so that they know them by the end of next week.
In maths we have been working on column addition this week. This has been quite a tricky new concept to grasp so, particularly when they have to exchange. Any extra practice of these types of questions at home would be beneficial. Here is an example of the types of questions we have been doing.
In English we have started our unit on biographies focusing on Mary Seacole. The children have found the story of her life and the work she did very fascinating. They were able to identify the school values that she demonstrated and explain this in detail.
Next week the children will be doing their Phonics Screening Assessment (or a phonics quiz as it's known to them). You can practise reading real and alien words by playing Dragon's Den on Phonics Play:
I hope you all have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Saunders