Year 2 WC 22nd March 2021

Date: 26th Mar 2021 @ 3:57pm

We've been very busy in Year 2 this week. Over the last couple of weeks we have been continuing with our story of Jack and the Baked Beanstalk but this time leading up to writing our own twisted narrative. This week we explored new vocabulary from our model text, playing games with the words and then writing interesting sentences to show their meaning. Today we have planned our own version of Jack and the Beanstalk and we've had some interesting 'giants' that their main character is going to meet. 

In maths we have been working on money: recognising coins and notes; using different coins to make the same amount, counting money (both £ and p) and now we're beginning to problem solve. It would be really helpful at home to allow the children time to handle money and become familiar with the different denominations, counting money and making different amounts. 

In RE we have been learning about the events of Holy Week and the importance of this week to Christians. We thought about the different emotions that we felt throughout the week and how Jesus' disciples must have felt. 

In PSHE we have been exploring forgiveness. We talked about how holding on to hurt and anger can make our heart sad so we discussed what we could do. The children had some really good suggestions such as accepting someone's apology, forgetting the hurt, moving on, not bringing past hurt up and 'letting it go'. In worship we also talked about gratitude, what it means to be thankful for what we have and how we can show this. The children each thought about what they were thankful for and we created a class gratitude tree. 

The children did some fantastic team building in Forest School on Thursday. Each teams they had two tyres and two planks of wood. Together they had to get across the 'lava' without falling in. If they fell in, they had to start again! We saw some teams almost getting to the end and then having to start again. Although we had to have a few discussions at first, they demonstrated some excellent teamwork and resilience! 

I hope you all have wonderful weekend.

Many thanks

Mrs Saunders

Brereton C E Primary School

School Lane, Brereton Green, Sandbach, Cheshire, CW11 1RN

Administration Assistant: Mrs S Henderson
or Senco: Richard Cotton

Tel: 01270 918931

Email: [email protected]

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