Year 2 w/b 7th November

Date: 11th Nov 2022 @ 1:52pm

It has been another fantastic week in Year Two. I have been so proud of each and every one of the children for their excellent attitude and effort across all areas of their learning this week.

This week in English, the children were introduced to our first ‘Send for a Superhero’ text map, corresponding to our model text – a letter from Brad 40 to request assistance from Extremely Boring Man. At the start of the week, we explored some of the interesting vocabulary in the model text: urgently, request, assistance, disastrous, cruel, merciless, forceful, repetitive, desperately. We explored the definitions of each word and used the words in some sentences to demonstrate our understanding in context. After this, we explored the structural and language features of a letter. We identified parts of a letter (address, date, greeting, why you’re writing, main idea and who it’s from) and then used colours to annotate the following features: exclamation marks, conjunctions, questions, lists of three, expanded noun phrases, similes, contractions. Later in the week, we started to plan our own letters using our own creative ideas. The children have been designing a variety of exciting superheroes and villains; I can’t wait to read these wonderful letters next week.

Our spelling rule this week has been: ‘or’ spelt ‘a’ before l and ll. This rule applies to words such as: ball, tallest, falling, walk, talked, stalking, altogether, always, almost, already.

In maths, we started the week off by adding and subtracting numbers using concrete objects, pictorial representations, and mentally, including: two two?digit numbers. Later in the week, we have been focussing on counting in steps of 2, 3, and 5 from 0, and in tens from any number, forward and backward.

In history, we have enjoyed learning more about the Victorians. On Wednesday, we considered the different ways in which we find out about the past (books, internet, newspaper, visiting places, museums, asking an expert, looking at artefacts, looking at pictures etc.). This inspired us to become historians, working as a team to conduct research. By looking at books, internet research, artefacts and pictures, we were able to find out about Victorian schools, focusing on: teachers, lessons, classrooms, equipment, uniform, rules, punishments and the number of children in a class. We were particularly shocked to learn about the harsh punishments which could be earned for things such as writing with your left hand! 

In science this week, we discussed what is meant by ‘hygiene’ and generated some examples of what we can do to be hygienic, such as washing our hands, brushing our teeth and showering.  Using what we have learned about eating healthily, we drew and labelled a healthy meal and talked about the different food groups we had on our plate.

This week, we have also completed activities as we continued to think about the importance of Remembrance. In Forest School, we created our own poppy crosses, applying the lashing skills that we learnt last week.

We are very much looking forward for ‘computing week’ next week, where we will dedicate each afternoon to a computing lesson.

I have been so proud of each and every one of the children for their excellent attitude and effort across all areas of their learning this week. Next week, we will be starting our Nativity; we are very excited! I hope that you have a wonderful weekend.

Miss Roxburgh

Brereton C E Primary School

School Lane, Brereton Green, Sandbach, Cheshire, CW11 1RN

Administration Assistant: Mrs S Henderson
or Senco: Richard Cotton

Tel: 01270 918931

Email: [email protected]

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