Year 2 w/b 4th March

Date: 8th Mar 2024 @ 4:12pm

What another fantastic week we have had in Year Two!

In English this week children have been so excited and full of enthusiasm to learn our text map for ‘The Bog Baby’. After this, we focused on identifying structural and language features within the model text. The children worked hard to analyse the text and colour code these features to demonstrate their understanding. Later in the week, we started to plan a finding narrative using our own magical creature.

Our first spelling rule this week has been adding the suffix ‘ing’, this applies for words such as digging, beginning and chatting. Our second spelling rule has been the ‘r’ sound spelt ‘wr’ which applies for words such as wrap, wrestle and wriggle.

We have started our new unit ‘Length and height’ in maths this week. We have been focusing on:

  • Using rulers to measure simple objects to the nearest centimetre.
  • Estimating and measuring a range of objects, such as the length of the school hall, the height of the table and the length of the benches, using metres as a unit of measurement.
  • Comparing lengths measured in centimetres and metres.

In history this week, we learnt more about Elizabeth I and the Tudors. First, we explored how Elizabeth became queen, referring to the Tudor family tree. Next, we learnt what life was like during the Tudor period, thinking particularly about the huge differences between rich and poor Tudors. This will help us to compare the three queens and three time periods at the end of our unit. Finally, we researched Elizabeth’s major achievements during her reign. Following a debate and discussion, children were able to decide which achievement they thought was the most significant and why. We are really looking forward to learning all about Queen Victoria next week.

In computing this week, we were learning that computers can use algorithms, which are instructions, to make informed and calculated predictions (machine learning) and help teach a computer program how to interpret different drawings. To look at this in context, we played Google – Quick, draw!, which uses algorithms to guess the images that you draw. We explored the images collected for the different objects it has asked people to draw, a large collection of data that is then used by the computer, and identified incorrect images in order to teach the program what the drawings should and should not look like.

In PE this week, we practised throwing a ball underarm and overarm at a target. We enjoyed making this task more challenging by moving our target higher and lower and worked on making sure our aim was precise.

We had a wonderful day celebrating World Book Day on Thursday! We started our day by watching a video from Karen Winward, our Patron of Reading, who talked to us about the process of writing and publishing your own book. After this, we met with our Year Six reading buddies and shared our favourite book from home with them. Finally, we enjoyed a drama activity where we acted out our favourite book for our partner to guess and created a new front cover. What a lovely day we had!

We were also delighted to return to Church this week. It was lovely to see so many of you in Church for our Mothering Sunday service after a wonderful walk together. It was indeed very special to hear the children singing so beautifully together once again.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend,

Miss Roxburgh

Brereton C E Primary School

School Lane, Brereton Green, Sandbach, Cheshire, CW11 1RN

Administration Assistant: Mrs S Henderson
or Senco: Richard Cotton

Tel: 01270 918931

Email: [email protected]

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