Year 2 w/b 4th December
Date: 8th Dec 2023 @ 5:08pm
What a fantastic week we have had in Year Two!
It filled me with so much pride and joy to see all of the children perform so wonderfully in their Nativity on Wednesday and we were so glad to be able to share this with you.
This week has been assessment week and we are so proud of the progress we have seen in all areas of learning.
In English this week, we have finished our superhero narratives, following the structure: opening, build up, problem, resolution and ending. I have really enjoyed reading all about these vicious villains and fantastic superheroes! The children made sure to include lots of ambitious vocabulary in their stories.
In RE this week, we took a quick victual tour inside Blackburn Cathedral and looked at the different angels inside. We noticed how they were all so special and unique and thought about which ones we liked and why. After this, we thought about why the good news in the nativity story is so important and what exactly this good news was. We reflected on God’s big story and how Jesus the Son of God (incarnation) came to save people and mend their friendship with God (salvation). Jesus teaches the people the right way to live their lives and he shows them the way to God.
In maths this week, we have come to the end of our ‘Shape’ unit.
We have been focussing on:
- Identifying edges of a 3D shape (the line where two faces meet).
- Counting vertices on 3D shapes. We have learned that vertices on a 3D shape are where three or more edges meet.
- Sorting 3D shapes based on their properties.
- Making symmetrical patterns with 3D shapes. We have used what we know about symmetrical patterns to identify missing shapes and create our own.
There are a couple of dates to be aware of next week:
Monday- Victorian day
Tuesday- Theatre trip at the New Vic
Friday- Key Stage One Christmas party
Thank you ever so much for all of your support this week with costumes, drop-offs and being part of the wonderful audiences! I am so proud of each and every one of the children for their hard work, both on the stage and within the classroom.
I hope that you have a wonderful weekend.
Miss Roxburgh