Year 2 w.b. 3rd March 2025
Date: 7th Mar 2025 @ 4:50pm
World Book Day –
What a fabulous turn out of book characters we had in on Thursday. The children shared their own books and as a class we read The Princess and the Pea by Rachel Isadora. We completed a range of activities based on the illustration in the book and African patterns.
Spelling –
Spellings being sent home to learn this week are:
happier, easier, heaviest, hungriest, another, wonder, toothbrush, butterfly, every, everybody
Please practice these in any way that works for your child, ideas have been sent home on a spelling strategy sheet. Keep this sheet safe and use to help learn the spellings each week – we call this our ‘memory lock’.
English – Grandad’s Garden
The children have been working hard on their ‘word choices’ this week and ensuring that they have a range of word choices that add detail to their writing and make their writing more interesting for the reader to really imagine what it is they are reading. The word choices we have been working on are:
- Expanded noun phrases
- -ly adverbs
- Explanation sentences
- Questions to interest the reader
- prepositions
Maths –
Length and height have been taught this week, this included lots of measuring with rulers in cm and metre sticks to see how big out classroom is. We then moved on to comparing and ordering lengths and heights before finishing with solving word problems that included length and height. If the opportunity arises at home perhaps you could ask your child to measure something in cm or m?
RE – Easter
We have continued the theme of the Easter story by retelling the story today and discussing what happened in all the main parts of the story. In class worship we read passages from Mark 10 13-16 and Luke 13: 10-13 and discuss how Jesus treated the old and young alike and how he had time for everyone. We thought about how we can make sure that we treat everyone with respect and give time to listen to others.
History –
Continuing with the Great Fire of London the children have been comparing what life was like back in 1666 compared to today, we looked at clothing, transport, housing and much more. We came to the concluding that we are very lucky in our lives today!
Music –
This week we have been reinforcing the note of A and encouraging accuracy when stopping and looking at notes which are longer than a single beat.
Science –
Is a frog a living thing? What evidence can we find that it demonstrates the characteristics of living things? What makes a pond a suitable habitat?
Can we bounce the ball with accuracy? Pushing it rather than patting it down and with enough pressure that it bounces to at least waist height. The children have also been working on developing accuracy when bouncing the ball so that a partner can it. With the warmer weather approaching it is a great time to dig out those balls at home and have fun bouncing!
Art –
Lots of fun has been had when creating shades of green and blue, getting ready for producing our final piece on the work of Hannah Dunnett. The children worked on mixing primary colours to create lighter and darker shades.
All this week we have been encouraging resilience with the children, learning to not give up and get distracted and to always want to try their best in all of their activities / work so that they can be proud of themselves and what they have learnt and achieved. This is a skill to continue to work on in every subject, we are always so proud of the children when they try their very best.
Have a lovely weekend, let's hope the sun stays shining!
Mrs Forrester and Mrs Mitchell