Year 2 w/b 2nd October
Date: 6th Oct 2023 @ 3:52pm
What a wonderful week we have had!
We started our week off in worship where we thought about how we are all made in God’s image and how He loves us all. As part of Black History Month, we learnt about how Marcus Rashford has led a campaign to feed children during the pandemic and our Ethos Council reflected how we could do the same by supporting our Harvest Campaign.
Back in class, we designed our own football boots filled with messages of empowerment and love.
On Tuesday after we came in from break time, we noticed a crumpled letter inside the boat on our river. We opened this up to find a letter from Tom, an adventurous boy who is out exploring the emerald river, asking us to describe the locations he is travelling to and any dangers he may face on his way. This week, we have made our own alliteration poem which described the jungle, river, farm and waterfall, answered a series of comprehension questions about our model text and analysed the structural and language features of a letter. We are really looking forward to planning and writing our letter to Tom next week.
In science this week, we looked at how babies can grow and double their weight in a short amount of time compared to children. As a class, we looked inside a ‘Personal Child Health Record’ which showed a baby’s weight and length each month. We later compared this to an average 7-year-old child and were amazed at how quickly a baby can grow! After looking at physical differences between babies and children, we discussed what things we were able to do as babies, toddlers, what we are able to do as children, and what we hope to be able to do as adults.
In geography this week, we looked at human and physical features and created a map of our very own towns. We then colour coded our key and added different key features such as ‘park’, ‘church’ and ‘school’. We then discussed what makes a good town by questioning if it is a great idea to put a park next to a roundabout, or houses next to a rubbish dump.
In RE this week, we looked at the first five books of the Tanakh collectively known as the Torah. We learned that the Torah is split up into weekly portions and every person reads the same part each week. We discovered that the laws of Judaism including the Ten Commandments are contained in the Torah scroll and therefore the Torah contains the Jewish rules for living. We then thought about how important the Torah is to Jewish people.
In PE this week, we started our lesson off playing the ‘Balances’ game where we hopped, skipped and jumped around the hall and listened for a balance to demonstrate. After this, we created our own point balances using one, to three or four parts of our body and held this for three seconds. We ended the lesson by making a up a short sequence of balances. Although, we had to remember to point our toes and travel smoothly to the next balance!
In maths this week, we have started a new unit ‘Addition and Subtraction’. We have been focussing on:
- Bonds within 20, using the part-whole model to help us see them visually.
- Finding fact families and recording known facts in different ways within addition and subtraction calculations.
- Exploring strategies for learning number bonds and considering which facts we need to learn off by heart.
It was fantastic to share our Harvest service with you on Thursday. We really enjoyed sharing our harvest thoughts and celebrating the great work and passion of the farming community. We were also incredibly proud of our children’s singing too, what super voices they have!
I hope that you have a fantastic weekend!
Miss Roxburgh