Year 2 w/b 29th January

Date: 3rd Feb 2024 @ 9:26am

It has been a thoroughly enjoyable week in Year Two, with lots of wonderful effort, collaboration and proud moments.

At the start of our week, children continued to write their letters to Jack to convince him to climb up/not climb up the beanstalk. These letters were so fantastic and I am very proud of all of the children. After this, the children worked on their letters to fix any SPaG mistakes and made revisions and additions to their writing to make it even better. Across Wednesday and Thursday, we started to write a second letter in order to ‘prove what you know’. We decided to write a letter to persuade people to visit Jack’s Fast Food Van. I have really enjoyed reading these letters! On Friday, we started to publish our writing. We have focused on our letter formation and sizing within this process; these are essential elements of correct handwriting.

Our spelling rules this week have been the ‘o’ sound spelt ‘a’ after w (e.g. wash, want and wander) and qu (e.g. quarrel, squash and quantity) and dropping the ‘e’ before adding the suffix ‘y’ (e.g. crazy, slimy and smoky).

In maths this week, we have continued with our ‘Multiplication and division’ unit and have been focusing on:

·      Writing repeated addition and multiplication sentences to match a picture. We have matched sentences describing the number of equal groups with the correct multiplication and repeated addition sentences

·      Writing calculations as multiplication number sentences to represent different equal grouping situations

·      Learning how to relate arrays to a multiplication sentence

·      Using repeated subtraction to model division calculations. We have been putting numbers into equal groups using counters and we have shown this on a number line

·      Sharing a number equally into groups

In PE this week, we have completed an assessment which focused on three things- how far we can run, how far we can jump and how many balls we can throw and catch.

In PSHE this week, we have been thinking about touch. There are times when people we know are trying to be kind to us and may touch us, but we might not like or want this.  For example, a friend may give us a hug but they squeeze us so tight that it hurts and our friend might think it’s fun, but for us it’s not. We participated in an activity called ‘Fun or not?’ where we came across different scenarios that may happen to us and thought about whether we would find it fun or whether we wouldn’t like it at all. For example, some of us don’t find it particularly fun when our friend gives us a hard high five and it makes our hand sting a little bit afterwards. To make sure that this doesn't happen again, we should let that person know that we didn't like it. Finally, we created a list of trusted adults that we could talk to if we are worried or anxious about something.

In DT this week, we rated our combinations of pizza toppings out of 5 and agreed that some of them tasted a lot better than others. We then designed our own healthy pizzas. We are all looking forward to making our pizza dough next week!

As you will have seen on the newsletter and our topic web, we will be visiting St Oswald’s Church with Year One next Thursday. We will be leaving school at 10:10am for our service at 10:30am. We look forward to seeing you there!

Pictures to follow on Monday.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

Miss Roxburgh

Brereton C E Primary School

School Lane, Brereton Green, Sandbach, Cheshire, CW11 1RN

Administration Assistant: Mrs S Henderson
or Senco: Richard Cotton

Tel: 01270 918931

Email: [email protected]

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