Year 2 w/b 25th September

Date: 29th Sep 2023 @ 8:14am

We have had a lovely week in Year Two.

This week, we have written our own circular narratives and have carefully chosen a new route for our character to follow. It was wonderful to see everyone’s creative and unique ideas and I thoroughly enjoyed reading each text to see what journey their character had taken.

In geography, we continued to look at different types of maps. This week, we used our map of the school grounds to look out for different key features such as Forest School and the pond. After this, we filled in a blank map and created a key so that we knew what each symbol represented. We are looking forward to drawing our own maps of the local area next week! In science, we have been describing animals and their offspring. In science this week, we discussed the question ‘How do you look after a baby?’ and created a list of questions that we were eager to find out. As a mum herself, Mrs Taylor very kindly answered these questions in an interview and this helped us to distinguish the differences between what children need to survive and what a baby needs to survive. We all agreed that babies have very different needs to us!

Our PSHE lesson was all about celebrating our differences. We started off our lesson drawing a photo of ourselves doing our favourite thing (dancing, rugby, playing the piano). We then thought about our similarities, our differences, what we have in common and what we don't have in common. We later discussed how everybody in our class has something which makes them special, we all have different skills and interests and everybody has a chance to be respectful and praise others for special things.

In this week’s worship we were reminded of Jesus’ commandment to love one another. We learnt about two organisations that support people who are facing difficulties such as homelessness, isolation, poverty and unemployment. People who work at and volunteer for Chance Change Lives and The Salvation Army do so without judgement or expectation. They simply help and love others, as Jesus did. For our reflection task, we thought about how we could follow this example and we made a pledge to help others.

This week, we enjoyed another exciting music lesson. We started the lesson singing 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star' whilst tapping our knees to the pulse of the song. We sang this for the second time but this time we tapped the rhythm of the words on the palm of our hands. We then talked about the difference between the pulse (the beat of the song that doesn't change throughout the song) and the rhythm (the speed of the individual notes of the melody which normally changes throughout a song). Next, we sang the phrase 'Who’s eat-en my por-ridge?' whilst playing the 'Human Bar' game. Children stood in front of the class to represent the four beats. For words which last one beat (crotchets) children stood with their hands clasped together in front of them, e.g. 'who’s' and 'my'; for word(s) lasting half a beat (quavers) children stood with hands held apart, in fists, out in front of them to show whole beat has been split in half, e.g. for 'eat-en' and 'por-ridge'. What brilliant musicians we have in Year Two!

On Monday, we enjoyed a PE lesson with Mrs Taylor. In this lesson, we learnt how to rock backwards and forwards and explored getting up into different shapes, we then learnt how to perform dish/arch roll and a star shape forward roll. We finished our lesson by making up a short sequence of 2 rolls and 2 jumps.

This week in RE, we listened to the story of Mary Jones, a young girl who saved for six years and walked 25 miles so that she could have her own bible in Welsh. The actions of Mary Jones led to the setting up of the Bible Society. We discussed how Mary didn’t know this would happen but her actions have made a huge impact on the lives of thousands of Christian people worldwide. To finish our lesson, we thought about how we can make a difference through our actions today.

Throughout the week, we have started practising our songs for our Harvest service: ‘Harvest Song’ and ‘Thank you God for our wonderful food’. This week, we were introduced to our Year 2 song: ‘Harvest Samba’. It would be great if the children could continue to practise these songs at home. We look forward to seeing you at St Oswald’s Church for our Harvest service on Thursday at 10am.

Thank you for your continued support; it is so great to see that the children have been reading so much at home and have enjoyed completing their homework. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask via email, Dojo or through a note in reading diaries.

I hope that you have a wonderful weekend.

Miss Roxburgh

Brereton C E Primary School

School Lane, Brereton Green, Sandbach, Cheshire, CW11 1RN

Administration Assistant: Mrs S Henderson
or Senco: Richard Cotton

Tel: 01270 918931

Email: [email protected]

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