Year 2 w.b 24.02.25

Date: 28th Feb 2025 @ 9:19am

Spelling –

Spellings being sent home to learn this week are:

tries, replies, copies, stories, terrifying, drying, married, cried, wild, climb

Please practice these in any way that works for your child, ideas have been sent home on a spelling strategy sheet. Keep this sheet safe and use to help learn the spellings each week – we call this our ‘memory lock’.

English – Grandad’s Garden

The children looked at the images from the text and some props to make a prediction about what the text could be about. Then using four imaged from the text they wrote descriptive poems that included expanded noun phrases and -ly adverbs, and descriptive settings that included an exclamation and question.

Maths –

We have finished the multiplication and division unit this week. It is really important that children in year 2 know their 2, 5 and 10 times tables so that they can recall them quickly and understand how to answer every type of multiplication calculations, for example

4 x 5 =     5 x 4 =     = 5 x 4    20 =  ? x 5

RE – Easter

Our lesson began with a discussion about the children’s experiences of celebrations in general. We then went on to Symbols of Easter, where we see them today and what they teach us.

History –

Our first lesson on the Great Fire of London included a great discussion about what London would have been like in 1666 and how events on the 2nd September 1666 helped the fire to spread and burn for 5 days. Ask your child if they can tell you facts that they have learnt this week including; how the fire started, in what shop and on what road.

Music – We all got a chance to play the recorder! We practiced putting our fingers on the holes and using our tongue to produce a crisp end to notes. We played the note of B to an instrumental backing track.

Science – How can we tell if something is living, alive or never been alive? There was much discussion about this before we talked about the 7 characteristics of living things.

Forest School –

The children started a note book by drawing leaves and using them to identify the trees and plants that we have in our school grounds.

Art – Looked at artwork by Hannah Dunnett, focusing on landscapes and under the sea. We looked at the shapes and patterns we could see. Children used fine line pens to explore their own patterns to create landscape features.




Mrs Forrester and Mrs Mitchell

Brereton C E Primary School

School Lane, Brereton Green, Sandbach, Cheshire, CW11 1RN

Administration Assistant: Mrs S Henderson
or Senco: Richard Cotton

Tel: 01270 918931

Email: [email protected]

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