Year 2 w/b 20th May

Date: 24th May 2024 @ 4:52pm

Wow, what a very busy week we have had in Year Two!

I am very proud of Year Two’s determination, enthusiasm and resilience as they have endeavoured to ‘show what they know’ this week. They have worked very carefully, using their arithmetic strategies, searching for key words to underline and applying the Year Two spelling rules. Outside of our quizzes, we have worked so very hard to finish off our recounts of our trip to Nantwich Museum. What superb writers they are!

Our first spelling rule this week has been adding the suffixes ‘er’ and ‘est’. We recognised that these suffixes are useful for making comparisons (e.g. small, smaller, smallest). We were able to add the suffixes without making any changes to some root words (e.g. soft, loud, quick) but, if the root word ended in y (e.g. lucky, pretty and happy), we needed to swap the ‘y’ for an ‘i’ before adding the suffixes.

In science this week, we became material detectives as we searched around our classroom for objects that were made from glass, plastic, wood and metal. We then passed around and felt a variety of materials that Mrs Woodgate had kindly brought in. We discussed what the material was, what it felt like and what it might be used for. 

In DT this week, we were excited to finally finish our wonderful moving monsters.

In PE this week, we focused on throwing and jumping skills with Mr McAulay. We were shown the techniques for throwing the javelin and standing long jump and practised these.

In RE this week, we described the worship that takes place at a Hindu shrine and connected the features of the mandir/temple to Hindu belief and teaching.

This morning we were very excited to meet with our Year Six reading buddies once again. In this session, we shared another of our favourite books with our buddy and enjoyed hearing theirs.

Year Two, I am so proud of you all for your hard work this week. Enjoy a restful half term break and I look forward to seeing you back in school on Tuesday 4th June.

Miss Roxburgh

Brereton C E Primary School

School Lane, Brereton Green, Sandbach, Cheshire, CW11 1RN

Administration Assistant: Mrs S Henderson
or Senco: Richard Cotton

Tel: 01270 918931

Email: [email protected]

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