Year 2 w/b 20th January 2025
Date: 24th Jan 2025 @ 4:21pm
Another fun filled and bust week in Year Two. Find out about all of our fabulous learning below…
Spellings being sent home to learn this week are:
food, soon, dolphin, nephew, wheel, whale, white, see, sea, because
Please practice these in any way that works for your child, ideas have been sent home on a spelling strategy sheet. Keep this sheet safe and use to help learn the spellings each week – we call this our ‘memory lock’.
Year 2 learnt that there are several stories of Jesus healing people with visual and hearing impairment including, Healing the deaf mute (Mark 7:31)
We had a class discussion about how the man might have felt after being healed, and what he might have enjoyed hearing first.
English – The Bog Baby
The children have planned and written their own ‘finding narrative’ where they have created their very own creature and where it might live, then told the story of a character finding the creature, what went wrong and how the character got the creature back to being happy again. The children have tried their best to include all of the writing tools they have been taught this half term, including: noun phrases, similes, conjunctions, suffixes -ful, -less, -ed, -ly adverbs, and phrases for time.
We have completed the money unit by solving some 2-step word problems, and remembering to write down their working out to help them to solve both parts of the problem. Most children did find this unit tricky so please continue to support their learning at home by giving them opportunities to look at and use money in real life experiences.
We continued to look at seasonal weather patterns and daily weather patterns and discussed that although we experience daily weather changes during every season, some types of weather are much more likely to occur in certain seasons. We went on to look at how weather can affect farming and crops and what impact this has. We had some very knowledgeable pupils who shared their expertise on this subject which was lovely to see.
Our learning objective this week was: To pass a ball with the inside of my foot with accuracy. We completed a series of skills to help develop this skill while building on our learning from Year One. One key thing we had to remember was ‘toe, toe, toe’ ‘no, no, no’ to remind ourselves to use the inside of our foot when passing the ball. We then reminded ourselves of the 3 P’s passing technique:
- Plant standing foot beside the ball (toes pointing forward)
- Pass the ball using the inside of the foot.
- Point foot in the direction of pass
- Include the “3 Ps” when passing:
P - Plant (foot)
P – Pass (inside foot)
P – Point (direction)
Design Technology
This week we have been taste testing flavour combinations for our pizza making. Our design brief states that we must create a balanced meal using ingredients from all elements of the ‘eat well plate’ This week we tried different protein-based ingredients and fruits and vegetables to come up with our own winning combinations. It was wonderful to see so many children try ingredients that were new or unfamiliar to them including anchovies, olives and artichoke. Next week we will gather our ingredient lists ready to make our pizzas the following week.
This week we tried to answer one of the questions that came up in our ‘what I want to find out’ knowledge harvest. Children in Year Two wanted to know: How seeds grow? We decided to investigate using the following question as a starting point: Do seeds need light to germinate? We set up an investigation and talked about the importance of fair testing. We look forward to seeing the results of our investigation over the coming weeks.
An update in Year Two: As you know Mrs Lindersen is leaving us soon to have her baby. All being well, she will be teaching in class until Friday 7th February. Mrs Mitchell will then take over the teaching on a Thursday and Friday. For the next two weeks, Mrs Lindersen will join the class in Forest School on a Wednesday afternoon and Mrs Mitchell will take over the teaching on a Thursday morning to support this transition. We feel this set up should help with the handover as Mrs Mitchell is a very familiar adult in our classroom who knows the children and their learning very well.
Miss Hayes is settling into her new school placement at another school for the spring term. We now welcome Miss Griffiths who will be joining our Year Two team for the spring term as part of her teacher training.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Lindersen, Mrs Forrester and Mrs Mitchell