Year 2 w/b 18th March
Date: 22nd Mar 2024 @ 4:15pm
What a great week we have had in Year Two!
As it has been assessment time in school, much of our week has been dedicated to ‘proving what we know’ in English, maths and reading, to identify what the children can do well and ways we can help them to improve. The children have worked incredibly hard and have impressed me with their enthusiasm, determination and resilience.
This week in English, we have been writing our own finding narratives which involve our own: magical creature, characters, exciting setting, problem and solution. Children have worked very hard completing, editing and publishing their fabulous stories. Towards the end of our week, the children applied their prior knowledge to independently plan a story about finding a magical object. We are looking forward to writing our narratives next week.
Our first spelling rule this week was the ‘j’ sound, this rule applies for words such as gentle, judge and charge. Our second spelling rule was adding the suffixes -er and -est. We learned that if a word ends in ‘y’, we swap the ‘y’ for an ‘i’ before adding -er or -est. This rule applies for words such as happier, happiest, funnier and funniest.
In maths this week, we have continued with our topic ‘Mass, capacity and temperature’. We have been focusing on:
- Measuring and estimating mass using both grams and kilograms
- Measuring and comparing volume and capacity
- Using millilitres (ml) as a standard unit of measuring capacity and volume.
In history, we learnt all about Queen Elizabeth II. It was so interesting to hear how we celebrated her Silver, Golden, Diamond and Platinum jubilee.
In RE, we have been recording the events of the Easter story from when Jesus arrived in Jerusalem, when Judas betrayed him, through to when he rose again.
In PSHE, we learned about staying safe online and keeping personal information private. We discussed many benefits of using the internet and agreed that there are also risks we must consider when we are online. We mentioned that we should never talk to people we don't know online as people can pretend to be someone else. Finally, we watched the 'Playing games' scenario and discussed what we should do if we felt unsafe or unsure about our online safety and the trusted adults we could talk to about this.
In PE this week, we looked at different types of passes. We started our lesson by playing ‘freeze’ where we hopped, skipped and jumped around the hall and when Miss Roxburgh shouted ‘freeze’, we quickly got into spaces. Next, we worked with a partner to demonstrate different ways we can pass a ball to them before practising bounce passes and chest passes. Finally, we enjoyed playing ‘superhero ball’ as a class.
Today we said goodbye to the wonderful Miss Latham. We feel very lucky to have had Miss Latham in Year Two since January and we wish her all the luck in the world for the future.
We are all looking forward to returning to St Oswald’s Church on Tuesday for our Easter service. We will be leaving school at 1:30pm and our service will start at 2pm. I look forward to seeing you there.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.
Miss Roxburgh