Year 2 w/b 17th June

Date: 21st Jun 2024 @ 3:39pm

What a wonderful sports week we have had! On Tuesday morning Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 enjoyed a rotation of activities: rounders, ball skills, tennis skills and a range of athletic sports involving relay races, javelins and the ladders. We were very impressed by the excellent teamwork skills they demonstrated!

In English this week, we started to plan our very own explanation texts. We started by drawing and labelling the parts of our own inventions, which ranged from ‘The helpful homework machine’ to ‘Marvellous milkshake maker’. These machines sounded fantastic! We then created our own text maps for our invention. It was wonderful to see the children planning for each sentence to include creative ideas and ambitious vocab (planned using pictures) and conjunctions and interesting sentence openers (written as key words). We are looking forward to finishing off our explanation texts next week!

Our first spelling rule this week has been the ee sound spelt ‘ey’. This rule applies for words such as money, donkey and alley. Our second spelling rule has been adding the suffix -less. This rule applies for words such as careless, helpless and pointless.

In maths this week, we started our ‘Statistics’ unit in PowerMaths. We have been focusing on:

  • Recapping how to read and construct tally charts.
  • Interpreting data which is presented in tables, and we have used this data to answer 1- and 2-step problems
  • Reading, constructing and interpreting block diagrams.

In geography this week, we focused on comparing Tattenhall and Njoro. We are fortunate to have a link with St Lwanga Catholic Primary School in Njoro, Kenya so it was particularly fascinating to learn more about this area. We then learnt a little bit about the human and physical features of Tattenhall in preparation for our residential in a couple of weeks; we are so excited for our trip! Finally, we thought of similarities and differences between Tattenhall and Njoro.

In RE this week, we retold the stories of Jesus’ ascension and the events of Pentecost and put these in chronological order. We then thought about the symbols for the Holy Spirit and discussed what these symbols mean and why we use them.

In art, we learned how to create perspective through line and shape and then saw how Lowry creates perspective by trying to find the vanishing points on some of his artwork. It was quite tricky but we soon got the hang of it!

I hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Miss Roxburgh

Brereton C E Primary School

School Lane, Brereton Green, Sandbach, Cheshire, CW11 1RN

Administration Assistant: Mrs S Henderson
or Senco: Richard Cotton

Tel: 01270 918931

Email: [email protected]

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