Year 2 w/b 15th January
Date: 19th Jan 2024 @ 4:20pm
We have had a fantastic week of learning in Year Two.
On Tuesday, we read the first half of our text, Jack and the Baked Beanstalk. Then, in groups, we explored the following vocabulary from the book: flyover, overhead, thoughtfully, construction, resist, exchanged. To demonstrate our understanding, we defined the words, used them in a sentence and then drew a picture to represent each word. On Wednesday, we applied our comprehension skills in order to answer a range of questions about the model text. On Thursday, we particularly focused on identifying questions and exclamations. This helped us to analyse our model text to identify the features of persuasive writing, finding examples of: questions, exclamations, alliteration, repetition, emotive language and words/phrases to start each reason. On Friday, we took part in ‘conscience alley’. Children who were for Jack going up the beanstalk lined up on one side and children who were against Jack going up stood opposite them to create an alley. As ‘Jack’ walked down the alley, children gave their reasons for or against in an attempt to persuade Jack, focusing on using conjunctions in their reasons. We are looking forward to planning our letter to Jack to persuade him to go up/ not go up the beanstalk next week.
In maths this week, we have continued learning all about money. We have been learning about:
- Comparing amounts of money using the correct vocabulary and the signs <,> and =.
- Finding the total cost of given items, adding pounds and pence.
- Using different coins to make a value of £1, whilst knowing that £1 is equivalent to 100p.
- Finding how much change should be received after paying for something. This was a focus on finding the difference between cost and the amount paid.
In science, we were all given a selection of bulbs and seeds however we were not told what they were. We then discussed what we knew about these and sorted them in a variety of ways such as by texture, colour and whether they were seeds or bulbs.
In DT, we began our research on pizza toppings, we sampled: cheese, tomatoes, ham, pepperoni chicken, anchovies, bell peppers, mushrooms, sweetcorn, pineapple and chilli peppers. We rated each topping and then decided which flavours worked well with each other. It was safe to say the anchovies were like marmite, we either loved them or hated them!
In geography, we have been looking at the differences between seasonal and daily weather patterns. We discussed that although we experience daily weather changes during every season, some types of weather are much more likely to occur in certain seasons. After this, we discussed the impact the season and weather has on farming and crops. We are looking forward to learning all about where different food comes from next week. If you have any empty food packets that your child could bring to school with them on Wednesday, that would be fantastic!
In RE, we looked at the story 'The Ten Lepers' (Luke 17:11-19). Working in groups, we performed the story using drama, mime and dance. We made sure to focus on our movement and facial expressions to interpret the hurt and rejection felt by the lepers. We later changed these expressions to reflect the new feelings of the people after they were healed.
I hope you all have a fantastic weekend.
Miss Roxburgh