Year 2 w/b 12th February
Date: 16th Feb 2024 @ 3:39pm
We have had a wonderful week in Year 2.
Our week began with the introduction of a new model text and text map – the traditional tale, Jack and the Beanstalk. We focused on some of the words from the model text such as, dilapidated, penniless, bronze, entirely, mysterious, launched, peeked, peered, bellowed, lumbered, ear-splitting, eventually. Next it was time to analyse our model text to identify the structures and features of a narrative text. This was a good opportunity to recap our SPaG knowledge as we worked both collaboratively and individually to highlight exclamation sentences, expanded noun phrases, verbs, adverbs, alliteration, repetition, time adverbials and paragraphs. After this, the children planned their own version of a twisted narrative, changing the traditional tale of Jack and the Beanstalk to create a twisted narrative like Jack and the Baked Beanstalk. First, we planned the events and characters of the story, allowing us to focus all of our attention on ‘what happens’. Then, we added lots of story features and vocabulary to our plans, planning for paragraph openers, expanded noun phrases, similes, exclamation sentences and ambitious vocabulary. For the rest of the week, we used our plans to help us write our twisted narratives. I have really enjoyed reading each and every one of these stories!
Our first spelling rule this week has been ‘the ‘n’ sound spelt kn and gn’. This rule applies for words such as gnash, knee and knock. Our second spelling rule this week has been ‘swapping the ‘y’ for an ‘i’ before adding ‘-ed’. This rule applies for words such as carried, dried and replied.
In maths this week, we have continued with our unit ‘Multiplication and division'. We have been focusing on:
- Learning the 10 times-table in a number of contexts and making links to place value.
- Dividing numbers by 10. We have linked multiplication facts for the 10 times-table to dividing by 10 and we have shown this on a number line.
- Learning the 5 times-table in a number of contexts. We have worked out 5 times-table multiplication sentences using arrays, number lines and pictorial representations.
In science this week, we observed how our bulbs had grown over the past week either in the sunlight or in the dark, and recorded our results in our books. Next, we were interested to find out how a cactus survives in the desert with little water. After some research, we found out that cacti have a thick, hard-walled and succulent stem and when it rains, water is stored in the stem.
In DT this week, we rolled out our pizza dough and decorated it with our favourite toppings; these pizzas looked so delicious!
Thank you so much for your wonderful support this half term. It is great to see children working hard at home to improve their spelling, reading, maths and times tables. I hope that you all have a fantastic half term and I look forward to seeing the children again soon.
Miss Roxburgh