Year 2 w/b 10th February 2025

Date: 14th Feb 2025 @ 5:27pm

Half way through the year already! 

Safer Internet Day – We listened to a story about Smartie the Penguin and how he found himself in tricky situations when using his tablet and playing games. We learnt that if we ever found ourselves unsure about a game, message, app etc then we should always ask a trusted adult for support and help. We also learnt that not everything on the internet is true, it can be people’s opinions so the children said that they would be careful when watching things on YouTube and with an adult. We talked about not sharing information and be wary of winning ‘prizes’ on apps and games, and they we should never ever share any of our personal information. The children made a poster to show others how to stay safe online too.

English – The Bog Baby

The children concluded ‘The Bog Baby’ text by creating their own set of instructions for their creature, ensuring that they laid out the text correctly and used all of the correct punctuation needed in a set of instructions.

Spellings – There are no new spellings to learn over half term as this week we have been consolidating our learning and recapping all the spelling patterns learnt this half term. Please continue to practise the Year 2 and 1 Common Exception words as the children need to be able to spell most of these words independently to be an ‘Expected’ year 2 writer.

Maths – We have been practising our 10 times tables and knowing how to use that knowledge to help with dividing by 10. We have also been working on the written method for division, something that the pupils are definitely getting better at with practise 😊.

PSHE – In our unit entitled, ‘I don’t like that!’ the children have taken part in a discussion to recognise that body language and facial expression can give clues as to how comfortable and safe someone feels in a situation. They have identified the types of touch they like and do not like and who they can talk to if someone touches them in a way that makes them feel uncomfortable.


This week we have learnt about the difference between the pulse and the rhythm. The children have been introduced to musical notation and learnt that they can devise their own. We have learnt ‘I hear thunder’ and sung it as a round. We have used untuned percussion instruments to accompany. With much excitement we have started to learn to play the recorder – focusing on how to make a sound and the note of b.


The children have learnt what an algorithm is. And have followed an algorithm to behave like the dinosaur in a computer game. We introduced coding using the game: Coding for Carrots – this is easy to access via the internet at home if you would like to take it further at home.

After half term we will be welcoming Miss Griffiths to our class every day and she will be teaching some lessons to the children with support from Mrs Forrester and Mrs Mitchell.

In Computing next half term the children will be learning computer skills so if you have time over half term it would benefit the children if they could become more familiar with the keyboard layout and have a go at touch typing.

Parents Evening is the first week back, don't forget to book your appointment.

Enjoy your half term week and we will see you back in school on Monday 24th February.

Mrs Forrester, Mrs Mitchell and Miss Griffiths

Brereton C E Primary School

School Lane, Brereton Green, Sandbach, Cheshire, CW11 1RN

Administration Assistant: Mrs S Henderson
or Senco: Richard Cotton

Tel: 01270 918931

Email: [email protected]

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