Year 2 w/b 4th November 2024
Date: 8th Nov 2024 @ 3:50pm
The first week of this half term has been busy, busy, busy. The pupils are back into a good routine have been enjoying their learning this week.
In our collective worship this week we looked at our school value of Hope. Our reflection time was to think about how to make our own lights shine out, how this would make us feel and how it can effect others around us. In our class we lit a candle every time we saw someone shining their light, some examples included someone being proud of their work, kindness and helping others and praising each other.
Spellings being sent home to learn this week are:
Sniff, well, across, class, smack, click, kitchen, crutch, was, said.
Please practice these in any way that works for your child, ideas have been sent home on a spelling strategy sheet. Keep this sheet safe and use to help learn the spellings each week – we call this our ‘memory lock’.
RE - Why was Jesus birth such good news?
We used circle time to give every child an opportunity to share some personal good news. Everyone was encouraged to listen carefully emphasising that the listening is just as important as the telling because if the news is going to be passed on, we need to make sure we get it right. As a class we discussed all the different ways that news is shared today and who can share news.
PSHE – What Makes Us Who We Are?
The children took part in a lesson to find out their thoughts and ideas of what they would do if they saw someone who is being left out by a group of friends, we discussed what they could do about this. Then we thought of all the things that we could do to be kind to friends. Luckily we have such a kind and caring class that they all came up with some great ideas of how to be kind and caring towards each other.
We are using a new book called the Night Gardener by the Fan Brothers as our vehicle text this half term. The pupils started their learning by looking at picture clues in the first few illustrations of the text and making predictions of what they think the story will be about. After reading the whole text the pupils were able to use their literacy skills to write a poem that included similes, we were very impressed with the level of work the children produced. Later in the week the children worked on their understanding of the vocabulary used in the text and then wrote a setting description, using the illustrations to provide inspiration.
In Maths we have been finishing our addition and subtraction unit of work ready to look at shapes next week. We have been comparing number sentences using the symbols < > and = using our knowledge of addition and subtraction, we have been completing mixed addition and subtraction number problems using known strategies to support our understanding. We have also completed the end of unit maths assessment to show the learning that has taken place over the last couple of weeks.
This half term the children will be learning about Victorian children and how their lives were very different to our lives today. I introduced this topic by showing the children Victorian objects such as; chalk boards, hot water bottles, ink pots and pens and much more. The children were fascinated to learn how different the Victorian home and school objects were so different to what we have now, they were feeling very grateful for our modern day lives by the end of the lesson.
This half term we will be looking at the work of Roy Lichenstein. This week we have recapped our knowledge of the colour wheel from Year One and have looked for these colours in nature. We now know that Roy Lichenstein chose colours carefully, to imitate the four colours of printers’ inks. We can’t wait to continue learning about this artist and completing our own portraits in the style of his work.
In Science we will be continuing to look at the unit ‘Animals including Humans’ with a focus on health and hygiene. This week we thought about what hygiene means to us.
Thank you to all the families who attended the fireworks and bonfire night last night, it was wonderful to see everyone enjoying the firework display.
Also a huge thank you for all the generous donations which will go into make ‘Elfridges’ such a special event at the Christmas Fair.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Lindersen and Mrs Forrester