Year 2 class blog w/b 12.11.18

Date: 16th Nov 2018 @ 1:52pm

We have had a lovely week in Year 2. This week we have focused on the /y/ spelling rule, where you ‘drop the y and add ies.’ For example, cry-cries and try- tries.

In Maths this week we focused on recognising and counting money.  

We had a super trip to Nantwich Museum, learning about the Great Fire of Nantwich- the story involved dancing bears preventing people from putting out the fires and a man called Nicholas Brown who burnt down the town! In English we wrote a recount of the visit; the children produced some excellent writing retelling their experience.

We have now started to rehearse for the nativity and have looked at the first few scenes and songs! Everybody is trying fantastically hard and the acting is super so far. Please make sure your child knows their lines soon so that they can find it easier to act these out, rather than have to decode each word. Scripts need be brought into school each day for rehearsals please.  Many thanks.

Mr McAulay

Brereton C E Primary School

School Lane, Brereton Green, Sandbach, Cheshire, CW11 1RN

Administration Assistant: Mrs S Henderson
or Senco: Richard Cotton

Tel: 01270 918931

Email: [email protected]

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