Year 1 WC 4th February 2019

Date: 10th Feb 2019 @ 8:15pm

We've had another very busy week in Year 1. I can't believe we have just a week left until half term! 

In English we have been working on using conjunctions (and, but, so, because) to add more details to our sentences. Then we used these in our letters to Mrs McLean explaining why we think she should shut the school as there is a tree giant on the loose. Obviously our super writing worked as we told the children this was the real reason for school being closed on Thursday. We also had a suggestion from one of the children that the flood in the kitchen was actually caused by the tree giant looking for some turnips and making a hole in the roof. 

In maths we have continued to focus on subtraction to 20, using the strategies we have learnt to solve word problems. 

In RE we have discussed what forgiveness is using the story of Jonah and the Whale. The children talked about times when they had been forgiven and times when they had to ask for forgiveness. After hearing that Jonah disobeyed God, we discussed how this made God feel and related this to how others feel when we disobey them. 

This week was Children's Mental Health Week. On Friday we talked about what it means to be healthy, inside and out. The children knew lots of ways that they kept their bodies healthy. We then talked about ways we keep our minds healthy. In Year 1, we do lots of mindfulness breathing exercises. This helps us to focus and feel calm. The children identified times when they had used the breathing exercises at other times such as when trying to go to sleep or when they've been worried. We also talked about what it means to be thankful. Everyday we can always find something positive that has happened, even if we think we've had a bad day. It's important to recognise this and say it out loud. We ended by all of us sharing at  least positive thing from that day. It might be that we tried hard in our work, someone made you smile, you gave someone a compliment/someone complimented you, you enjoyed your lunch. Whatever it is, stopping to find the positives helps to keep our minds healthy. 

I will not be in school on Monday 11th and Tuesday 12th February as I'm doing my First Aid training. Mrs McLean and Mrs Taylor will be covering the class in my absence. 

Brereton C E Primary School

School Lane, Brereton Green, Sandbach, Cheshire, CW11 1RN

Administration Assistant: Mrs S Henderson
or Senco: Richard Cotton

Tel: 01270 918931

Email: [email protected]

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