Year 1 WC 29.4.19
Date: 5th May 2019 @ 11:37pm
In maths this week we have been continuing with multiplication. In Year 1 this means counting in 2s, 5s and 10s and understanding what is meant by equal groups. This could mean counting pairs of shoes by counting in 2s or packs of pens by counting in 5s. We then started to look at arrays using the vocabulary of 'rows' and 'columns'. We showed that arrays can be read in two ways and that we can write a repeated addition to show this.
e.g. Looking at these smiley faces. We can either say 'There are 3 rows of two: 2 + 2 + 2 = 6' of 'There are two columns with 3 in each column: 3 + 3 = 6'.
In English we have written our story map of The Three Little Pirates (very similar to The Three Billy Goats Gruff!). I am so pleased with the level of vocabulary the children are trying to use. They are so imaginative and love using interesting words to make their writing more exciting to read. We then started to plan our own stories using the same structure which we'll be writing next week.
A few dates for your diaries for this half term. On Monday 20th May Year 1 will be having a Stay and Bake starting at 1:30pm and a Pirate Day where children can come to school dressed up on Friday 24th May. I'll send more details out about these this week.
I hope you all enjoy the bank holiday weekend and I'll see you on Tuesday morning.