Year 1 WC 22nd October 2018
Date: 30th Oct 2018 @ 11:17am
Well I can't believe we have reached the end of our first half term. It has been wonderful getting to the know the children and I think they have settled in brilliantly to Year 1.
In English the children have been been publishing their instructions of 'How to catch a...' showing off their lovely handwriting they have been working so hard on. We have also done some sentence work around an image practising our full stops, capital letters, finger spaces and using interesting adjectives.
In maths we have continued to work on addition of single digits. This including comparing number bonds e.g. adding < or > between number bonds 6 + 7 ___ 8 + 4 and finding missing numbers: 3 + 4 = 5 + ___ .
In RE we continued to look at the creation story in the Bible and how this is important to Christians. We sat in a circle with our fruit bowl in the middle. As we ate the fruit, we didn't rush but instead thought carefully about how the fruit grew, what it needed and how it got to us, remembering that it is important to be thankful for the food we have. We considered how we can say 'thank you' to God for our world such as caring for the environment, showing kindness, forgiveness and being the best we can be.
I hope you are all having a lovely half term. I have not set any homework but please keep up with reading, both sharing books together and listening to your child read.
Dates for your diary
Friday 9th November 2018 Please join us for our Remembrance service at St Oswald's.
Monday 12th November 2018 Trip to Nantwich Museum. Children should arrive in school at normal time in their school uniform. Remember to bring a packed lunch in a disposable bag if you haven't ordered from school. We'll be back in time for the end of the school day.
Tuesday 11th December 2018 Our Key Stage 1 nativity at 2pm and 6pm.
Wednesday 12th December 2018 Theatre trip to the New Vic to see The Wind in the Willows.
Thursday 20th December 2018 Please join us for our carol service at St Oswald's.