Year 1 WC 18th March 2019
Date: 22nd Mar 2019 @ 3:41pm
I hope you all enjoyed our class assmembly. The children have all worked very hard this week to bring it together and thank you for taking the time at home to practise their lines.
In the rush of going home after their wonderful assembly, I have sent home their phonics books instead of their homework books (they are the same colour!). I'll send these home on Monday but if you wanted to make a start before then, their task is to draw a picture of an African animal and write a few sentences to describe it.
Spellings for this week are
Miss Latimer's group (this week they have just done ear and ure): fire, wire, hire, bonfire, inspire, retire, vampire.
Mrs Saunders' group (this week they have done ea): what, where, when, whatever, wheel, whiskers, whisper, which, why, whistle
In English this week we have been writing our own version of How Leopard Has Spots. The children have had some amazing ideas and written some brilliant stories.
In Maths we have started our unit on measure. We have used language of smaller/taller/longer etc and started to measure objects using non-standard units.