Year 1 WC 17th June 2019
Date: 23rd Jun 2019 @ 8:20pm
This week we have been writing our very own detective stories based on Hermelin the Detective Mouse. Instead of a mouse, the children chose alternative characters who found all the missing items on their street. Our focus has been making sure we read our sentence first before writing it, using conjunctions and noun phrases and then rereading our work to check it makes sense.
In maths we are currently focusing on numbers to 100. We have been spotting patterns in number squares, noticing that in a column the tens column changes but the ones stay the same. Next we looked at finding 1 more and 1 less than a given number. The wording of some of the questions were a challenge as they had to work out what they needed to do, e.g. 45 is one less than _____ or, _____ is 1 more than 70.
In RE we have been learning about the story of Adam and Eve. Then we thought about what the characters might be thinking and feeling at different points in the story.
Next week we are having a Healthy Living Week so we shall we learning about how to keep our minds and bodies healthy. We're going to look at the importance of keeping our teeth clean, especially now so many of them are losing their milk teeth. On Tuesday (weather permitting) we shall we having a day of doing different sports with different teachers so children can come to school in their PE kit. During the week we shall also be practising for our Sports Day on Friday afternoon. Fortunately the weather is now looking a bit more promising towards the end of the week!