Year 1 w/b 9th January 2023
Date: 13th Jan 2023 @ 5:14pm
It has been another busy and productive week in Year One involving investigating, storytelling and exploring.
Week 2 in English has seen us exploring our key text ‘Hermelin’ in more detail, recognising the 5 parts to the story and using the language from the story in our own rehearsing of it. We have also been detectives by spotting and fixing poor punctuation in sentences, including capital letter for names of people and places, full stops and even commas. We practised making plurals by adding s and es and finally have planned our own innovated version of Hermelin with Flutter the detective butterfly!
In phonics, we have focused on are (care and share) and ur (nurse with a purse). Spelling practise will reflect this learning when sheet are distributed on Monday.
In Maths we have focused on teen numbers, using the language one ten and ? ones . We have looked at different representations of teen numbers on rekenreks and ten frames and used practical equipment to make teen numbers . Please enjoy counting on from 10 to 20 at home and then counting backwards from 20. We have released the next challenge on Numbots so hopefully this has increased the level of challenge for the children.
Collective worship this week has focused on the values of courage, faith and trust. We explored the New Testament story where Jesus calmed the storm and thought about the people in our own lives that protected us and those we could trust writing their names on shields. Finally, we attached pieces of wool to a lifeline as we prayed for those who throw us a lifeline of trust.
In RE , we considered the times we needed to say sorry to someone and acted out a few scenarios where we needed forgiveness. Next we heard about Jonah, an old testament prophet who usually listened to God . But in this part of the Jonah story , he disobeyed God and refused to return to Ninevah. We thought about the reasons he ignored God and agreed he was probably scared and frightened by the people of Ninevah that were making bad choices.
Appreciate is our new My Happy Mind unit. In this unit we shall explore:
- What appreciate means
- Ways we can show our appreciation
- What we are grateful for
We looked at a gratitude wheel and thought about how we could say thank you for the experiences we have , saying thank you to others and being proud of ourselves. Our new ‘Being thankful today song’ was great fun to join in with.
Our new Design Technology unit started this week and involved the children identifying a range of fruit and vegetables that may be tempting to a mouse like Hermelin. Food was classified into groups by identifying whether or not it had seeds inside/outside or not. We had a few surprises! Several children were amazed to discover that cucumbers, tomatoes, avocados, and peppers were in fact fruits even though they did not taste as sweet as other more well-known fruits. Next week we shall explore where different types of fruit and vegetables grow.
In Geography we have continued our learning about farms. The children enjoyed discussing their own experiences of visiting farms and what their favourite parts are. We looked at the different buildings on a farm and there purpose as well as thinking about the landscape of a farm and where is the best place for a farm to be situated.
During PE this week we continued practicing our balancing skills. The children thoroughly enjoyed becoming pirates for the week, playing lots of fun pirate games and even walking the plank! The children thought carefully about using their arms to balance along the planks and then how to bend their legs to ensure a safe landing.
We are reaching the end or our Science topic entitled ‘Humans’ and this week concluded our learning all about senses by focusing on our sense of smell. The children used a variety of smelling pots to describe what they could smell and predict what was inside. We discovered that all of the children enjoyed smelling chocolate but garlic was not so popular!
It has been lovely to have Mrs Wiggs working with us in Year One and she is very much enjoying supporting our learning . We have been delighted to welcome Miss Malcolm on Wednesday. Miss Malcolm is training to be a teacher and will be largely observing and getting to know the children up to half term before she starts teaching after half term. We shall enjoy introducing her to you over the coming weeks. Finally, news of great joy to report. Miss Shea will be having a baby during the summer months. We are sure you will want to join us in wishing Miss Shea a very healthy and happy pregnancy.
With good wishes as always
Mrs Pulle, Mrs Knott and the Year One team