Year 1 w/b 5th July

Date: 9th Jul 2021 @ 4:04pm

Well what a lovely week it has been. It was great to have parent consultations and have the opportunity to share children’s learning and progress and hand over our end of year reports. We were also fortunate to have Miss Witham with us and introduce her to anyone who had not met her before.

Poetry has been our focus in English this week. Year One know that poems are a collection of descriptions using imaginative words and phrases that sound great when read aloud. Our week started by revealing what was in our treasure chest and we used adjectives, similes and alliteration to talk about and write our descriptions. Next, we listened to poetry being read aloud and performed our own, The Ning, Nag Noo by Spike Milligan. Please see our video on showbie on the discussion page. Finally, we discovered Mrs Pulle’s auntie was pirate and read the poem Mrs Pulle had written about her auntie. We noticed this was a poem with rhyme but recognised that not all poems needed to rhyme.

In maths this week we have been telling the time to the hour and half past the hour and drawing the hands on a clock face to show these times. Children have understood the importance of distinguishing between the hour hand and the minute hand, they know that the hour hand is the shorter one, and they are starting to relate the time shown on a clock to times of the day and familiar events. Towards the end of the week we applied our learning to solving word problem with time.

The title of this week’s HeartSmart lesson was ‘Love a lot, Miss a lot’ and we looked at change, loss and the associated feelings. We sat in a circle and thought of someone or something that we miss. It could have been a person who has moved away, someone who died, the loss of a pet, or perhaps losing a toy. We shared a special memory of the person, pet or toy that we miss, thinking about the importance of being sensitive to one another as we shared. We then thought about the special memories we have of a person, pet or toy and how they can help us when we miss them. We can feel sad when we lose someone or something but nothing can take away from the special times we have had with the person, pet or toy that we miss. Nothing can take away the love that we shared. We are better for having had that time with them and now we get to treasure them in our hearts. You might have seen the pictures that came home of the person, pet or toy your child is missing in Boris’ tummy (heart). 

Forest School this week involved gold coins and treasure maps! We looked at maps of our school grounds and found key points e.g. our class apple tree and the Forest School area. We then hid a gold coin, marked its location on the map and asked our friend to locate and find the gold coin using their map skills. We had lots of fun and can’t wait to build on these skills on our pirate day next Thursday (15/7/21). 

Our History work this week made us feel very hungry! We looked at the actual first-class menu from RMS Titanic that was served on 14th April 1912. We could not believe that they ate a ten-course meal. We thought about our dream, luxury meals and different they were to what was being served.  

This week in science we came to the end of our unit of work and consolidated our work with a knowledge harvest to share all that we have learnt in this unit of work but in the Autumn term and the Summer term. We talked about the different trees and plants we know, the difference between deciduous and ever green trees, the parts of a plant and how our apple tree has changed throughout the year.  

This week our Collective Worship reflecting on the ‘Miracles of Jesus’ focused on Jesus’ healing of the 10 lepers. We were interested to learn about leprosy and how in Jesus’ time lepers were on the fringe of society: shunned, excluded and ignored. Jesus spent much of his time with those others ignored and healed the lepers. What surprised us in the story was that only one of the lepers said thank you. Saying thank you is so important and we reflected on all the things in our own lives that we are thankful for by filling a jar of gratitude with our ideas.  

In RE we completed our unit of work on Judaism and the importance of Joseph to people of the Jewish faith. We discussed the qualities Joseph showed throughout his life and how Jewish believers try to learn from and reflect these qualities in their own lives today.

Today has been our final lesson in PE before sports day and we have continued to practise in our coloured teams with obstacle, speed, dexterity and coordination challenges. We hope parents have all seen the note in planners detailing the coloured teams their children are in for the races at sports day next Friday.

So next week marks our final last week laughing and learning in school together and it has indeed been a super year in Year One despite the obvious disruptions. There is much to celebrate and celebrate we will with a great ‘Pirate Day’ on Thursday.

Enjoy a great weekend and ‘Come on England’- let the sun shine!

Mrs Pulle and Mrs Lindersen


Brereton C E Primary School

School Lane, Brereton Green, Sandbach, Cheshire, CW11 1RN

Administration Assistant: Mrs S Henderson
or Senco: Richard Cotton

Tel: 01270 918931

Email: [email protected]

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