Year 1 w/b 4th October

Date: 8th Oct 2021 @ 4:40pm

Our work in English has now moved onto instruction writing. We had to come up with a cunning way to stop the toy soldiers from playing all night and keeping us wake. Luckily, we found some old floorboards, a brown sheet and tasty sweet. The soldiers were so tempted by the tasty sweet they walked onto the brown paper covering the gap in the floorboards and fell between them (still chatting). At last, we had some peace and quiet! We learnt the actions for some instructions like first, next, after that and in the end and rehearsed saying the instructions together. Later in the week. we looked at the different parts of the instructions – the title, what we need and what we do, we filmed the class saying the instructions using the text map for cues and we started imitating writing instructions.

Phonics this week has been igh (fly high) and oo (poo at the zoo). We added the suffix er/est to many of our igh words to compare their meaning.

Guided reading has continued but we hope to reassess children next week so some book colours for individual or guided reading may change.


In maths we have finished for the moment our work on greater and less than and missing numbers and have started using number lines to count on and back. We are encouraging the children to physically show us the jumps they make on their number lines, moving to the right in pencil jumps to add on and to the left to find less than numbers. This week the children have been introduced to the part-whole model, focusing on different ways of partitioning numbers to 10. Children use the part-whole model to help them write and compare number bonds. Children who have mastered this unit will be able to confidently partition numbers within ten using a part-whole model. They can write the associated number sentences and be flexible with where they write the = symbol; for example, they know that 3 + 2 = 5 and 5 = 3 + 2 represent the same fact. As children gain confidence, they can compare number sentences using the <, > and = symbols, and use a systematic approach to solve problems.

In Collective worship this week we have focused on Isaac and Rebekah and their twin sons Esau and Jacob.  This was quite a challenging story from the Old Testament, and we found it shocking to discover that Jacob tricked his brother out of his birth right and blessing from his father by pretending to be someone he was not. Esau was very angry with his brother and Jacob ran away as he was scared about Esau’s reaction. Jacob made a bad choice. We explored ways we could use our hands to make good and bad choices before we drew around hands in pairs and listed gentle ways with our hands – caring, hugging, stroking, praying, helping, and building.

Thank you to everyone that has donated hygiene products for our harvest giving this year. Year 1 have set a very good example across the school, and it was wonderful to know several families from Year 1 attended the family harvest service at St Oswald’s last Sunday contributing to some glorious singing. We enjoyed a wonderful Harvest Service in Church this morning and again we felt very delighted with the children’s respect, participation and joy during the service.

In RE this week, we experimented building on sandy and stone foundations before we listened to the parable of the two builders- one wise and the other foolish. The children know a great song to help them recall the parable if you ask them about it. Finally, we considered what the parable taught us and why it is a ‘Good news’ story for Christians today.

This week in our PSHE HeartSmart lesson our learning objective was to think of reasons why we are grateful for another person e.g. I am grateful for x because he always waits for me at dinner time. We played a game where we shared why we are grateful for someone in our class and then had to guess who it could be that we were talking about e.g. I am grateful for this person because they always help me hand the books out. We realised that when we vocalise the things, we are grateful for in other people it helps bring strength to both their and our hearts and makes us more ‘HeartSmart’. 

 In History we are now confident to talk about things from the past and present. With our history detective hats on we investigated which were old toys from the past and which were toys from the present. To build on our learning this term we also explained how we know and where we found our clues using our previous knowledge. In art and design we looked at the patterns made by William Morris and drew our own patterns in soft B pencils before scratching our favourite pattern into a polystyrene tile ready for printing next week. If the children have time or the interest perhaps they could find other designs by William Morris to explore at home.

 Our PE lesson was cut short this week by our first fire alarm drill. We were so proud of how sensibly everyone in the class followed the instructions and got out of school quickly, quietly, and safely. As our lesson this week was a little shorter than usual, we will be having an additional PE session next Wednesday afternoon with MultiFlex. PE kit isn’t required on this day as we will also continue with our dance lesson on Thursday. 

In forest school, Mr Simmons reiterated the rules of fire safety before we looked at materials that could be used on the fire. We used a Dutch oven made out of cast iron. Year one came up with great potions to put in the cast pot or cauldron before they were given popcorn to safely cook on the fire and they all enjoyed tasting the fresh popcorn when it had popped.

Another busy but most enjoyable week and we hope you can all enjoy the good weather forecast for the weekend.

Mrs Pulle and Mrs Lindersen.  


Brereton C E Primary School

School Lane, Brereton Green, Sandbach, Cheshire, CW11 1RN

Administration Assistant: Mrs S Henderson
or Senco: Richard Cotton

Tel: 01270 918931

Email: [email protected]

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