Year 1 w/b 4th November 2024

Date: 8th Nov 2024 @ 3:54pm

It has been lovely to welcome back our class to school after the half term break.

Our first week back at school has been full of excitement. This started with a hand delivered parcel containing a potions and spell book. This led us to read Rapunzel and make towers like the one she was trapped in. After this, we wrote about Rapunzel’s feelings in the tower and tried to use ‘and’ or  ‘because’ to link and extend our sentences and thoughts. Finally, we looked at the spelling rule for adding –es and –s onto the end of words (frogs and matches) and wrote our own instructions on how to make troll soup using our new spelling rule.

In phonics, our focus has been air (that’s not fair) and ir (whirl and twirl).

In maths this week, we have continued with addition and subtraction. Earlier in the week, we focused on number bonds to identify missing parts and later in the week we were introduced to the subtraction symbol. We were given a completed part whole model and practised writing the related subtractions using the numbers in the part-whole model.

Our new RE unit is called My World, Jesus’ world and our key question is ‘How is the place where Jesus lived different from where we live now?’. In this unit, we are exploring what life was like when Jesus, God the Son, was alive on earth. This unit will help children:

  • understand that Jesus lived a long time ago and that the world we live in is very different to Jesus’ world over 2000 years ago.
  • talk about the human nature and experience of Jesus as he lived in the world at that time.
  • start to understand that Jesus was a Jew and would have followed Jewish law and traditions.

This week we thought about the differences between what like was like when Jesus was alive (over 2000 years ago) compared to now. We focused on clothes, homes, transport, food and toys. We all agreed that life was very different all of those years ago!

In design and technology, we are preparing to make a friend for Rapunzel. This will take the form of either a comforter or hand mitt. In our first lesson we discussed different ways to join two pieces of fabric together which included gluing, safety pinning and stapling before starting the design process.

Our new PE unit is multiskills and this week we focused on balance. We put on our magic shoes and walked along lines making sure we were looking forward, we had our arms in line and our knees slightly bent.

In our first Geography topic of the year we will be focusing on local geography in our school grounds. This week we introduced the concept of human and physical features and focused on our school grounds. Examples of human features included the school building, playground and the climbing frame. Examples of physical features included the trees and grass as well as the plants growing in our garden area.

We have also introduced our new science topic this week. This term we will be looking at humans and will develop our science skills to identify, name, draw and label the basic parts of the human body and say which part of the body is associated with each sense. This week we labelled the body parts we can already identify and began to think about what we would like to find out this term in science.

On Friday morning, we were so excited to meet our Year 4 reading buddies. We enjoyed sharing our favourite book with them and listening to them read. We are looking forward to seeing them again soon!

As you may have seen on our topic web, Year One will be walking down to St. Oswald’s Church at 10:00am on Thursday 14th November for a church service at 10:30am. We look forward to seeing you there if you are able to make it.

I hope you all have a great weekend!

Miss Roxburgh

Brereton C E Primary School

School Lane, Brereton Green, Sandbach, Cheshire, CW11 1RN

Administration Assistant: Mrs S Henderson
or Senco: Richard Cotton

Tel: 01270 918931


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