Year 1 w/b 1st November
Date: 4th Nov 2021 @ 5:34pm
Welcome back to the second half of our autumn term. It has been lovely to hear about all the fun and exciting things you have been up to over the half term break. It was also great to see so many of you at our school firework display on Thursday.
This week we had such a surprise to find a flying saucer had crash landed onto our school playing field. Its lights had broken, and it was covered with twigs and mud. But who could fly in a spaceship like this? Where had it come from? Would it still fly? We had lots of questions about what it could be. We have since found out that the spaceship belongs to an alien named Beegu. We hope to find out more about Beegu and how she came to crash land on earth very soon.
In Maths we have been using number lines and tens frames as our resources of choice this week. These have been used to find a missing part in a number sentence e.g. 4 + __ = 9. Using our number line, we can simply find the answer to a given number sentence using our part, whole understanding. Using the above number sentence as an example we can circle the whole number (answer) and the one part of the number sentence that we know. We can then count the jumps it takes to get from 4 to 9 to find the missing part. This also supports the development of counting on from a number rather than counting all to find the total. We can use a similar strategy to find number bonds on a ten frame to strengthen our number understanding.
Phonics this week has been ow (brown cow) and er (better letter). We looked at plurals of words where the ending doesn’t change e.g. cow – cows, town – towns. These spellings will come home next Monday.
Guided reading continues in the groups that commenced before half term and we can really see great progress across the groups.
Our PE day has changed this half term so we can work with MultiFlex who are in school every Wednesday. We will hopefully get another half term working with them later in the school year. This half term our focus is gymnastics and this week we were looking at different types of rolls, working with a partner on a mat and becoming ‘gymnasts’ through the control of our bodies and movements.
HeartSmart this week was the final part of our ‘Get HeartSmart’ unit form last half term where we found out more about Boris the robot before completing our self-assessment records for the unit.
This week in Collective Worship we have moved on to the second book in the Old Testament, Exodus, and the life of Moses. We heard about the start of Moses’ life, born to an Israelite/Hebrew mother who had to trust God would protect her son as she placed him in a basket in the river Nile to save him from Egyptian capture. This helped us explore how special we all are and how the things that make us different, make us unique. In RE we started our new topic on ‘Christian Community’, and we looked at images of the all the activities that happen at St Oswald’s. We thought about how these activities were part of how Christian’s worship God at Church- praying, singing, ringing bells, listening to sermons, being baptised, supporting charities and Christian organisations like Operation Christmas Child. Next week, we welcome some visitors from the Diocese so we can share with them our learning in Collective Worship and RE.
Forest School on Tuesday was a delightful autumn day with blue skies. We looked at the leaf work of artist Andy Goldsworthy before we ventured outside to collect and name different types and colour of leaves. This helped us recall the terms deciduous and evergreen from last half term and practise naming trees from leaf shapes. We chose to create concentric coloured circles with the leaves around a beautiful oak tree. Finally, we gathered around the tree to say a prayer of thanks for our school, friends, and our colourful world.
This half term in science our attention turns to ourselves, and our first session involved us in identifying, naming, drawing, and labelling the basic parts of the body. We then considered which sense was linked to each body part.
We hope you have a wonderful weekend and hopefully get to safely enjoy the firework displays.
Mrs Pulle and Mrs Lindersen