Year 1 w/b 29th April 2024
Date: 3rd May 2024 @ 5:24pm
Another action-packed week in Year One with lots of fun and exciting learning taking place.
In RE this week the children have been looking at John the Baptist and how Jesus was baptised in the River Jordan. We learnt about the significance of the dove and what it represents. We also labelled a baptism scene reflecting on the learning that happened last week.
In our PSHE lesson this week we looked at washing our hands and keeping germs away. We made posters for around school to help promote effective hand washing.
In History this week the children have carried on learning about Florence Nightingale particularly focusing on her later life and the significant impact she had on nursing. The children thought carefully about what a great role model she was and how she influenced many others to start a nursing career with her wisdom and knowledge.
In PE the children have been focusing on athletics. We have been practising our jumping skills such as long jump and speed bounce. It's been great to see the children getting active and working effectively as a team.
In phonics the children have been revisiting and reviewing sounds already taught. They have focused on the following sounds: ai/a-e, ee/ea, e-e/y and igh/i-e.
In English the children have finished writing their own innovated stories based on our model text: The Secret of Black Rock. Using a text map style of planning has supported children’s writing and their use of key story writing features in this story style. The confidence children have gained through the innovation stage, editing an know text to make it their own, will now be applied to write their own independent return stories. Towards the end of this week we have planned our independent stories ready to write with independence and autonomy. We can’t wait to get writing next week!
In maths finised our unig of work on grouping and sharing equally before moving on to fractions. We have looked at finding half of objects (shapes) and quantities. Next week we will move on to look at quarters. You may have seen a recommendation on our school Facebook page for the White Rose 1-minute maths app. This is a great resource to work on speedy subitising, addition and subtraction skills. It is free to download and easy to navigate and will support our learning in class.
This week we concluded our science topic on animals but making careful observations of a woodlouse. All children could identify it was an invertebrate based on last weeks learning. We then shared our learning and all recognised how much more we know about classifying animals.
In DT we moved on to the next stage of designing and created our worn design briefs – what our playground models must be to be successful. We then had the opportunity to use some construction equipment to test out ways to construct our playgrounds over the coming weeks.
Have a lovely extended weekend.
From the Year One team.