Year 1 w/b 28th June

Date: 1st Jul 2021 @ 5:27pm

What a fun filled week we have had! Our Forest School activities and the fun swim session were particular highlights. This week has been assessment week at school and everyone in the class has really enjoyed sharing all that they have learnt this year. We are very proud of each and every one of them and all they have achieved this year.

In English we have been completing the final stage of our talk for writing process with our ‘independent application’ of the skills we have learnt in our letter writing unit of work. This week we have planned, written and published letters to Miss Witham where we have written about our memories from her time with us in Year One and what we are most looking forward to in Year Two. It was a great chance for children to apply their handwriting, spelling, phonics and punctuation skills as well as using the layout of a letter.

This week our Collective Worship reflecting on the ‘Miracles of Jesus’ focused on the faith of the Roman Centurion. We considered how this leader and pagan was drawn to Jesus when he was in need. Jesus said he would help anyone in need and the Centurion’s faith was rewarded by Jesus healing his friend. We wrote a class prayer reflecting on faith and prayed for those in discomfort, need and despair at the moment.

In RE we completed our story of the life of Joseph in Egypt by acting out what happened to Joseph’s brothers in the years of famine and how they travelled to Egypt to ask for help with food shortage. Please see the photos below. Planting the silver cup in Benjamin’s bag was all part of Joseph’s plan to find out what kind of people his brothers were now. He said Benjamin must stay behind to be his slave. Judah, the brother who sold Joseph, said “If you keep Benjamin, my father will die of grief. Please keep me instead”. When Joseph saw his brothers had changed he forgave them and invited his whole family to Egypt to live together. This helped us focus on Joseph’s qualities as a forgiving, loyal, patient and hard working person who loved God and his faith was rewarded with great success and happiness in Egypt.

In Heartsmart we thought about dreams – dreams in our hearts. Sometimes we know what our dreams are and sometimes we need help exploring them. We explained that finding out what our dreams are starts with simply thinking about things that we like. Next we looked at a Dreamboard for someone who dreamed of  travelling, loving other people, having lots of friends, being a Fire Officer, writing a book and swimming. Finally, we shared ‘‘dreams of our hearts” and heard from children with lots of aspiration for the future- teachers, paramedics, writers, mathematicians and sports people.

In Forest school, having learned about fire safety and how to start a fire last week we cooked on the fire this week. The children worked really well, never crossing the fire circle and only kneeling to cook their dough twists on long lengths of willow with adult supervision. We had to be very patient as we held our dough above the heat , carefully turning the willow to cook the bread but not to burn it. The cooked bread was delicious, especially dipped in chocolate! We also cooked some banana with honey which was another tasty treat and one that we thought we could try on BBQ’s at home. See the photos to share in the joy!

In Science we have been using the skill of observation. Firstly, to name and identify trees and, secondly, to make careful and detailed observational sketches of the leaves, fruits and seeds of trees. We will use these sketches to make a class book of some of the trees that can be found. You can see photos of our careful observation skills and sketches below.

In History we recapped all that we know about the events that happened on RMS Titanic on 14th April 1912. We then looked at the importance of timelines in history. We created our own timelines showing key events that have happened in our lifetimes from birth through to the present day. We then created a timeline of the life of Edward Charles Dodd, a crew member onboard RMS Titanic who was born locally in Crewe.

What an exciting week for PE . This morning we all enjoyed a wonderful fun swim as the photos reveal then this afternoon we have continued to practise for sport day with obstacle, speed, dexterity and coordination challenges. Please look out for an email this evening detailing the Planet team your child is in for next Friday. Each planet has a colour and we would like the children to wear a t shirt of that colour next Friday.

We hope you have a lovely weekend and look forward to seeing parents and carers at our parent consultations next week.

Mrs Pulle and Mrs Lindersen

Brereton C E Primary School

School Lane, Brereton Green, Sandbach, Cheshire, CW11 1RN

Administration Assistant: Mrs S Henderson
or Senco: Richard Cotton

Tel: 01270 918931

Email: [email protected]

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