Year 1 w/b 27th January 2025

Date: 31st Jan 2025 @ 3:56pm

It has been another busy week of learning in Year 1 and we are really pleased to see the children working so hard and with determination.

In English this week, we have continued writing sections of our detective narrative. We have been applying the writing features we know to include in story writing and focused on the spelling of key words we need to know how to spell such as ‘they’ and ‘was’. 

In phonics, we have been working on ew (chew the stew) and ire (Fire! Fire!). Please see the videos sent on dojo to reinforce this teaching. 

In maths this week, we have been introduced to our new unit addition and subtraction (within 20). We have been focusing on the following:

  • Counting on from a given number within 20 using ten frames, counters and cubes. We learnt that it is more efficient to start from the greater number than the smaller number. For example, when working out 1 + 13, it is quicker to add 1 to 13 than to add 13 to 1.
  • Using number bonds and related facts when adding within 20, as an alternative to counting on. This is a more efficient method because, for example, if we know that 4 and 2 are a bond to 6, we can use this fact to see that 14 and 2 are a bond to 16, as are 4 and 12.

In DT this week, we carefully prepared all the fruit and vegetables using clean hands and the tunnel method of cutting. Having blended three types of smoothies we enjoyed tasting what we had made. We are all looking forward to our Detective Day next Tuesday where we will be investigating mechanisms for making moving cards as part of our next Design Technology unit.

In geography, we have explored how the seasons affect life on the farm.

We have continued with our unit ‘algorithms unplugged’ in computing this week and have learned why our instructions need to be very specific.

In science, we have been comparing and grouping together a variety of everyday materials.

To help us discover why Jesus was so special, we listened to the story of Jesus feeding the 5000 in RE this week.

I look forward to seeing you next Thursday at our second learning exhibition. 
I hope you have a great weekend.

Miss Roxburgh

Brereton C E Primary School

School Lane, Brereton Green, Sandbach, Cheshire, CW11 1RN

Administration Assistant: Mrs S Henderson
or Senco: Richard Cotton

Tel: 01270 918931

Email: [email protected]

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