Year 1 w/b 24th April 2023
Date: 28th Apr 2023 @ 4:03pm
Our work in RE focused on understanding the Holy Spirit as a gift from God, carried in the hearts and minds of Christians. The Holy spirit first appeared to the disciples as wind and fire and helps Christians today as a constant reminder of God’s love – a teacher, comforter, and guide.
In Collective worship, our Ethos Council helped us reflect on Paul’s description of the body parts working together. In our school community we are all connected by something we have in common, and the photos below show these connections as we shared passing the wool to friends in our own class that we share a connection with, such as sharing the same number of siblings, same favorite hobby/colour /pets/form of transport.
This week we have really enjoying continuing to work with our story ‘The secret of Black Rock’ by Joe Todd- Stanton We have identified the structure and language features of a return story and became sentence Doctors as we fixed punctuation. Finally, we have planned our innovation changing the character, where they lived and the scary mountain. We have begun to write our own stories and are looking forward to continuing them next week.
In Phonics we have been revisiting the sounds ure (Sure it’s pure), aw (yawn at dawn), au (Paul the astronaut), ay (May I play) and a-e (Make a cake). We have also been doing lots of practice to read both real and nonsense words following ‘Special friends, Fred talk, read the word.’
In Maths we have finished our unit looking at mass and capacity by applying our knowledge to answer word problems. We have then moved on to counting in groups of numbers, beginning with counting in 2’s, then 10’s and finally 5’s. At the end of the week we used our learning to count in equal groups, using objects and pictures to help us.
During our Forest School session we looked forward to the special event of the Kings’s Coronation. We thought about what will happen during the ceremony and some of the iconic objects that will be part of the celebration. The children showed great imagination whilst creating kings, queens, castles, crowns, sceptres, and jewellery.
During our Design and Technology lesson the children thought about what we discovered on our visit to the park last week. We looked closely at the structure and design of the equipment in the park, thinking carefully about which shapes were used to make strong structures. We used construction equipment to start our initial design process to experiment which equipment, shapes and joining techniques are most effective. We used our findings to create a success criteria for building our own piece of playground equipment.
Last week we launched our new topic in science on animals. We considered what animals we have living in Brereton and what features that have that identify their species such as tail, wing, fur, feathers, beak, paws, and hooves. Next, we aimed to classify animals into groups, and we explored the terms, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. Finally, we designed our own pet, explaining is features and classification.
My Happy Mind focused on our new unit called ‘Engage.’ We understand now what engage means and realise that if we want to do good, we need to feel good. Happy breathing, strength spotting, active listening and having an attitude of gratitude all help us to feel good. Engaging also means goal setting so we learnt how to set a goal with key actions and what help we may require to meet these goals.
Enjoy the Bank Holiday and let us hope for a return to some slightly warmer weather.
The Year One Team