Year 1 w/b 22nd March
Date: 26th Mar 2021 @ 7:46am
This week we have been innovating our reports on tigers by researching, planning and writing about another magnificent mammal. Some children chose an elephant and the others researched giraffes. We were amazed to find out what they ate as herbivores, where they lived and interesting facts that surprised us all. Did you know some elephants suck their trunks as a comfort when they are anxious? Did you know not all giraffes are silent but they do grunt, snort and hiss and their tongues are about 50cm long?
Our phonic focus has been all the oo sounds – (oo) poo at the zoo, (ew) chew the stew and (u-e) huge brute so spelling homework will reflect this on Monday. Please look on Showbie for the spelling sheet on which your child can practise our taught sounds.
Our work in Power Maths has continued to focus on addition and subtraction to 20. It’s so important now that children know their number bonds to 10 fluently so they can recognise 14+5 = 10+9 . We have continued to use the strategies the children are familiar with which include, counting on and back on a number line, subtracting and adding with ten frames and bead strings as well as developing mental strategies to count on and back. We have used <> and = to compare answers eg 9+4 > 8+3 or 9+4=8+5
In Geography this week we compared the weather in Nairobi and Brereton on this day. We looked at the difference in temperature, the weather conditions and the clothing choices we would make for each location. Most children said they would prefer the warm 28-degree day in Nairobi! We presented our weather findings in the style of a weather report after watching a BBC weather report. In science, we recapped adjectives used to describe the properties of materials e.g. bendy and rigid. We then used this descriptive language to consider why we use the materials we do for everyday objects e.g. we use a metal fork because it is strong, rigid and smooth. Finally, we looked carefully at another Explorify ‘Zoom in, zoom out’ activity. Looking closely at the details of materials is very interesting!
In PE we have continued to develop our ball skills and accuracy when passing a ball. We have also looked at the tactics involved in small games and how to use team work to help us succeed.
This week in Forest Schools we have looked to the tiger for inspiration and made tiger footprints in the mud, created the stripy pattern from tiger fir out of willow and made the outline of a tiger from sticks and twigs using some of the skills we gained in Art and Design.
In Art and Design,we recapped how to mix secondary colours by mixing shades of orange for our tiger paintings. The tigers look absolutely wonderful, some walking, some prowling and leaping and others fighting. They are now ready to be added to our forest backgrounds where we shall add the final touches using oil and chalk pastels.
In RE, we have started to make our Easter garden showing the events of Easter Sunday and the resurrection of Jesus as well as designing our Easter crosses with images from holy week.
In Collective worship we continued to explore lent. This week Mrs McLean shared with us the teachings from Psalm 46 verses 1-3. We thought about pilgrims like those on Cuthbert’s Way seeking shelter overnight or wanting protection when the storms arrive. Next, we thought about who or what shelters us when life is stormy and what new skills we may have learned to help us become more resilient. Many children shared how important it was to believe in yourself and try, try and try again when we struggle with something.
Any questions , please just ask of send us a little message via reading diaries or Showbie.
With many thanks
Mrs Pullé and Mrs Lindersen