Year 1 w/b 21st June
Date: 25th Jun 2021 @ 4:53pm
In English we have been innovating the letter from Tom by writing a reply from the Night Pirates. We hope you have enjoyed watching the video of us recalling the letter from our text map. We had 2 visitors to the class this week, one from CDAT and the other from another school in our trust and they were amazed by the children’s confidence and enthusiasm as they observed them reciting the letter with actions. Having innovated our letter plans, we wrote our replies to Tom from the Night Pirates taking care with our spelling, punctuation and grammar. In phonics this week we have focused on silent letters and the sounds kn, wh and ck. We also completed all our Year 1 phonics assessments and have been absolutely delighted with everyone’s results. We shall complete our final reading assessments for the year next week.
This week in maths our focus remains on numbers to 100. We have partitioned 2-digit numbers, identifying the tens and ones before comparing numbers using the < > = symbols. This is such an area of strength for the class. From mid-week we explored number bonds to 100. The Children were encouraged to link number bonds to 100 with number bonds to 10, to help them develop a strong conceptual understanding of number bonds to 100 which will help them in their future mathematics. A secure understanding of 2-digit numbers will support children’s understanding of, and ability to work with, numbers and the number system. We shall carry out our final maths assessments for the year next week. The children will have an arithmetic and reasoning paper to complete.
In Science this week we have continued to build on our identification and observation skills from last week, to talk in detail and describe the features of plants and trees that we found outside. First, we took our feature checklists from last week back outside to find examples of the following: leaf, flower, petal, fruit, berry, root, seed, trunk, branch, stem, bark and bud. We then looked in more detail at each of these features and used carefully selected adjectives to describe them. It has also been interesting to look at the growth of the apples on our ‘class tree’, each week we can see them getting bigger and bigger – we can’t wait until they are ready to pick and eat!
We had a very exciting Forest School session this week which involved Mr Simmons explaining fire safety and our forest school rules when using the fire pit area in our sessions. He then showed us how to use a flint and steel to generate sparks to light a fire. We all had a go at making fires in this way ready for creating a campfire to cook on next week. You can see some of us in action on the pictures below.
The title of our HeartSmart session this week was ‘Tummy Talk’. First, we talked about what a secret is: something that is meant to be kept unknown or unseen by others. We talked about how some of us might have kept a secret before Father’s Day last week and then surprised our fathers with gifts or a card. These types of secrets are good secrets that give us a butterfly feeling in our tummy. However, some secrets are bad and can make us feel uncomfortable or worried e.g. if someone pushed you over and tells you not to tell anyone. We discussed how bad secrets can make us feel uncomfortable or funny inside, like our tummy is saying ‘uh oh’. Our bodies are good at telling us if something is exciting (butterflies in tummy) or if it is dangerous or not good for us (uh oh feeling). We then read out secret scenarios and decided if the secret would give them a ‘butterfly feeling’ or a ‘uh oh feeling’. Finally, we talked about what we should do if we are ever asked to keep a secret that makes us feel ‘uh oh’, frightened or worried and that we must always tell a grown up that we trust (parent/carer or teacher) and will not be in trouble for telling. Telling a grown up is one way to be HeartSmart as it helps to protect and keep you safe.
In Music we have been listening to Daniel Estrem perform Greensleeves on the Lute. This was a relaxing piece of music that we enjoyed moving gently to. We also started to learn a new pirate song that also incorporates some counting in tens!
Our Collective Worship this week focused on the miracle of the feeding of the 5,000 in which 5 loaves and 2 fishes fed everyone with bread left over at the end. We heard about Jesus’ aim to provide for our basis needs as well as our spiritual needs. Finally, we prayed for the needs of others and wrote a class emoji prayer to remind about the different emotions we feel in life. On Tuesday Revd Sandi shared the story of the miraculous catch of fish, where Jesus suggested some of his disciples throw their net out on the other side of the boat and they caught over 100 fish.
In RE we completed the story of Joseph from Genesis and the children were amazed by the twist and turns in Joseph’s life in Egypt and his eventual reconciliation and forgiveness of his brothers. We considered where God was in each stage of Joseph’s life, how he helped Joseph interpret the cup bearers, bakers and Pharoah’s dreams and blessed Joseph with great success in Egypt.
We have had a great week for Sports week using playtimes to practise and hone our skills. We have practised our javelin, been introduced to French cricket using our batting and fielding skills and enjoyed basketball and football. On Wednesday we were lucky enough to take part in an extra MultiFlex sports session where we learnt some more archery skills. Archery will be one of many sports that will take place during the Olympic games this summer, so we learnt more about this sport. Both of the sports coaches were very impressed with the skills in Year One. With some top scores on the targets. Well done Year One! Finally, in PE today we managed to have an extra cricket session with Harry the Cheshire cricket coach.
Have a lovely weekend
Mrs Pullé and Mrs Lindersen