Year 1 w/b 20th May 2024
Date: 24th May 2024 @ 5:39pm
Our final week before the holidays has been action packed and full of fantastic learning. The children have all worked hard in all our subjects this week.
In English we have been writing postcards as Erin on her mother’s sailboat. We got into role thinking how she might be feeling, what she may see and hear. It has been great to get into character to help our writing really flourish and to help us add lots of adjectives and description to our own writing. After looking at features of a postcard last week we were clear on what we needed to add to our own postcard.
In maths we have been practising counting in 10s. We realised that instead of counting each individual one it is much quicker and easier to count in sets of 10 when we see a group of 10 fingers or a tens frame with 10 counters on. This then helped us when counting tens and one. An example of this might be seeing three full boxes of crayons, each with 10 crayons in, then three single crayons. In this situation it is much quicker to count the boxes of crayons (the tens) then the individual crayons (the ones) So for this example we could count 10, 20, 30 (first the tens) 31, 32, 33 (then the ones).
In phonics this week we have revisited the diagraphs “kn/ph” as well as looking at the spelling rule “tious”, “tion”. There was no ‘helping at home’ document this week but please remember to read and make use of the real and alien words on the sheet that went home at the start of the week.
It was so exciting to have our history day on Tuesday focusing on Mary Seacole. The children had lots of fun and interesting activities to complete during the day such as writing a fact profile, painting a portrait of her, sorting facts and lots more. The children took lots away from the day about what a fantastic role model she was and how she was a true inspiration helping many people in need. It was also great to look at and discuss the children’s own pictures of family members that are nurses/doctors or have served as medics on the frontline too. I’m sure the children will be able to give you 3 facts they have learnt from the Mary Seacole day!
During PE the children have loved learning about all the different ways we can use our bodies to jump in our indoor athletics lesson. We’ve been practising star jumps, big step leaps, side jumps, hopping, skipping, frog jumps, 3 strides and jump, long jump standing. It’s been great to get active and see the children participating and trying so hard with their different movements. The children have also been working effectively as a team and cooperating successfully with other peers in the relay races.
In music this week the children have loved using instruments alongside the story “Commotion in the Ocean”. We thought of ways we could make bubble sounds with our mouths, clicking for the dolphin noises, using the drum to make a shark noise as it approaches with its big sharp teeth, using the delicate triangle for the jellyfish sounds! The children have loved to perform to the class and remembering when to come in with their instrument parts. It was also important for the children to think about whether it needed to be a high or low pitch sound depending on the under-sea creature.
In worship this week the children have been learning about our school values and how we can use them in our daily lives such as being kind, helping others in the community, showing respect to others, making wise choices and many more important principles.
This week we successfully completed our playground models and finished our unit of work. We evaluated our work by celebrating our successes and reflecting on the parts that were a challenge and things we might change if we were to make new models in the future.
In DT we each had the opportunity to program the virtual beebot on the laptops from last weeks session. Again, if you would like to have a go using this program at home you can go to
We hope you all have a well-deserved break and make lots of special memories together and we very much look forward to the final summer term.
Many thanks for your continued support.
From Mrs Lindersen and Mrs Walker