Year 1 w/b 17th October 2022
Date: 21st Oct 2022 @ 4:22pm
Following on from our work writing instructions last week there was great excitement on Monday when the children practiced the skill of following instructions to make jam sandwiches! They all listened carefully and successfully made their sandwich, I’m sure a skill they could show you over the holidays. We then began to plan how to write our own set of instructions to make a jam sandwich, we loved to see the imagination the children used when adding their warnings at the end. It really is important not to squeeze too much of your jam out! Using our plans, they were then able to practice our skill of ‘say it. Write it, check it’ to write their own instructions.
Phonics this week has been oo (poo at the zoo) and oo (look at a book). We have also been practicing speedy reading of our common exception words (red words) to help when reading our books.
In maths, the children have continued looking at the part, part, whole model. We had spotted that the children found this most challenging when the whole came at the front of the number sentence, so we have spent time exploring moving the numbers and symbols around in a number sentence. For example, 3+2=5, 2+3=5, 5=2+3 and 5=3+2. We then moved on to look at number bonds, the children used their knowledge of the part, part whole model to demonstrate their understanding of making numbers up to 10. We are encouraging rapid recall of these number bonds
and encouraging the children to work out all the different solutions working in a systematic way.
During our History lessons we have finished our learning about toys from the past and discussed how much we have enjoyed seeing how things have stayed the same or changed. In Art and Design, we completed our wallpaper designing inspired by William Morris by adding leaf motifs to our printed tile designs.
In Science, we have concluded our learning around deciduous and evergreen trees by looking back at what we already knew about trees at the beginning of September and thinking about all the extra facts we now know, there was a lot to add. In forest school, Mr Simmons encouraged the children to create images of animals using the natural materials that they were able to collect during their forest school session.
Our PE lesson was our final one on dance. The children continued to impress us with their confidence when demonstrating dances to others and it was lovely to see so many children enjoying this area of our curriculum. After half term, our PE remains on a Wednesday morning and our focus will be invasion games.
Reflecting on our RE topic this half term we considered the following question about Creation:
Which part of the creation story from the Bible did we like best and why?
What do we think creation teaches us about God?
How can we take better care of the world?
In Collective worship, we have focused on pumpkins of hope in preparation for today’s finale. We have been amazed by all the effort and creativity that have produced such wonderful carved pumpkins reflecting hope. As the school gathered it was an incredible spectacle to observe the pumpkin lit messages. Year One really enjoyed taking part in an activity back in class to demonstrate their hopes for our world and a beautiful ‘hope tree’ has been created as a result.
Our final My Happy Mind lesson on ‘Meet the brain’ involved us recapping on everything we have covered this half term- neuroplasticity (that the brain can grow and change when you practice and work on something), Team HAP and its jobs and how happy breathing can help.
Finally, can we take this opportunity to say a huge well done to Year One for all your hard work and enthusiasm this term. We hope whatever you do this half term will be enjoyable and be a lovely break from the routines of school. We look forward to welcoming everyone back after the holidays, rested and keen to learn new topics, skills, and experiences.
Take care,
The Year One Team