Year 1 w/b 15th January 2024

Date: 19th Jan 2024 @ 4:46pm

Another busy week in Year One! There was great excitement this week when we arrived in school on Tuesday to a blanket of snow. The children thoroughly enjoyed exploring the snowy environment and loved perfecting their skills when rolling and compacting the snow to produce snowmen and snow castles. Below you will find photos from our snowy morning.


We now know the story of Hermelin very well and have learnt actions to support us when memorising the text. We have planned our own innovated version of the story of Hermelin using our own invented characters. We have detective foxes, otters, dogs, and lions to name a few. We have been writing sections of our stories over the course of this week and will continue next week. Already we have some fantastic results. Using our text maps to support our writing, applying the writing features we know to include in story writing and focussing on the spelling of key words we just need to know how to spell such as ‘they’ and ‘was’ we have been able to write to a high Year One standard. We are excited to finish our stories and go on to publish them with our best handwriting next week.


In Maths we have been continuing to practice using numbers up to 20 and looking at how we can use number lines to help us count. We started by looking at number lines and how they are created, we then moved on to looking at number lines with missing numbers and working out which numbers we needed to add. We have also been recalling one more and one less that a given number (up to 20). Try this at home to develop this skill… ‘one more than …. is ….’ and ‘one less than …. is ….’ Start with numbers within 20 then challenge yourselves with bigger numbers.


Phonics has focused on er (better letter) and ow (brown cow). The second ‘helping at home’ document has been sent home on Dojo. Watching and engaging with the videos each week will support our phonics teaching in school.


Our PSHE focus this week has been ‘Sharing pictures.’ We watched an animation where Jessie and her friends were amazed how the pictures, they had taken on Jessie’s brother’s phone was shared more widely than they had expected, and they did not ask permission to send the photos either. As a class we thought of all the ways we could keep safe if we were using the internet and why we should ask permission before using any device that could share pictures. We explored the importance of permission and passwords and what we should do if we make a mistake or press something on a computer which makes us feel worried or anxious.


Collective worship focused on the parable of the mustard seed- the smallest of all seeds, yet when it grows into something so much bigger. Next, we considered what hope needs to grow and how hope can grow in challenging conditions. We wrote our ideas about how we can help hope grow on petals and combined our petals to create flowers.


In RE we explored the calming of the storm from Luke 8 v22-25. We considered why and how the waves and wind obeyed Jesus and the ways we calm when we feel scared or anxious.


In music our focus is sounds around us. We sang ‘Here we go around the mulberry bush,’ tapping our knees to make a steady pulse before we created new lyrics for the song. In PE, ball skills involved accurate kicking to a partner and stopping the ball with the sole and inside of the foot using a dominant and non-dominant foot. Design technology checked our understanding of the difference between a fruit and vegetable. In Geography we continue to look at life on a farm and recapped the three types of farms before looking at buildings and areas on a farm e.g., the farmhouse or hay barn. In Science we looked at ways to sort materials. In groups we came up with our own sorting criteria. It was interesting to find that all four groups had sorted their materials in different ways.


We are delighted to welcome Miss Howe into Year One as a student teacher as part of her school-based teacher training. We shall endeavour to introduce her to you over the coming weeks and she will remain in school with us until the end of the spring term.

We look forward to seeing you all next week.

The Year One Team

Brereton C E Primary School

School Lane, Brereton Green, Sandbach, Cheshire, CW11 1RN

Administration Assistant: Mrs S Henderson
or Senco: Richard Cotton

Tel: 01270 918931

Email: [email protected]

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