Year 1 w/b 13th November 2023
Date: 17th Nov 2023 @ 4:43pm
After hot seating Beegu we asked her different questions, starting our sentences with where, what, how, who or when. Next, we worked in groups to create poems that represented Beegu’s feelings. Finally, we reminded ourselves about the structure of a letter and thought about how we could add our questions about Beegu to the letter. We also created book reviews of the text. Within phonics we have focused on either ea (cup of tea) and oi (spoil the boy) or are (care and share) and ur (nurse with a purse).
In Power Maths we continued to work on subtraction using concrete and pictorial representations. We used the part whole model to find missing parts and used this information to write 8 calculations, for example with 9 as the whole and 5 and 4 as the parts we recorded:
5+4=9 9-5=4
4+5=9 9-4=5
9= 5+4 4= 9-5
9=4+5 5=9-4
Next, we counted back on number lines to show /make subtractions. Perhaps your child could practise these at home. Can they make 7 in different ways by taking away. Let them circle 7 on their number line and circle a number great than 7 then count back e.g., 9-2=7, 10-3=7.
In forest school we made a range of sustainable tree decorations using natural materials found on the forest floor. RE saw us writing and drawing homes, transport, and food now and when Jesus was alive over 2,000 years ago. Design technology was exciting as we chose our fabrics, pinned on our patterns, and cut out our comforters. In Geography we have been working on our map reading skills in the school grounds and ensuring we can navigate left and right. In Science we measured our heights then ordered the class from tallest to shortest and began an investigation into foot lengths. We will see next week if there is a link between height and foot length.
Our focus in PSHE and worship this week has been ' make a noise ' to stand up to bullies. In our class we gathered ideas about how we would recognise bullying and what we would do if we saw or heard bullying in our school. We brought our ideas together and made a rap which we performed to the school. We used our character strengths of bravery to perform our rap and we thought we would use love and kindness in watching out for others and standing up to bullies. Thank you to our Well- Being Council for leading our worship today and helping us focus on the importance of speaking up and shouting out if we see any type of bullying at Brereton or in our community.
Our KS1 nativity this year is called ‘Prickly Hay’ and your child will have come home this evening with a letter, detailing their part and suggested costume ideas. We do have some spare nativity costumes in school, so please just ask if we can assist with costumes and we shall endeavour to help. Our nativity will be performed on Wednesday 6th December at 2pm and 6pm. Our practises will start next week when we shall focus on learning all 8 songs- it is certainly very exciting.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Pulle and Mrs Lindersen