Year 1 w/b 13th June
Date: 16th Jun 2022 @ 3:51pm
We have enjoyed another fun filled and busy week in school this week ahead of next week’s sports week.
In English this week we have worked hard to learn our model text letter that Tom had written to the Night Pirates. Miss Ridge helped us to add actions to the text map which we will make available for you to view. Learning this text has supported our understanding of the features of letters and the punctuation and writing features used in the letter. Next week we will apply the skills we have learnt and observed to write our own Night Pirate letters and letters to our new Year Two class teacher.
In Maths we have completed our work on division and have now moved onto looking at halves and quarters. This work will include looking at halves and quarters of shapes, objects and numbers.
In Phonics this week we have recapped the sounds u-e (huge brute), ew (chew the stew) and au (Paul the astronaut). These sounds will be reflected in Monday’s spellings.
During Collective worship this week we explored how Jesus chose his first followers. He knew he would need help to carry out all his ministry and so he needed special people to help him. We thought about the qualities we admire in people we trust in our own lives, those we can trust, talk to, listen and are fun to spend time with.
In RE our focus for the half term is Judaism and particularly the life of Joseph and his relationship with God. We have looked in a Torah Scroll and compared this to the first four books of the Christian Bible. We considered how Joseph’s brothers felt as their Father gave Joseph a special coat and how they reacted to Joseph’s dreams. We will find out more next week because we have only reached the part where Joseph is sold as a slave to Egyptian traders and the brothers lie to their Father telling him that Joseph is dead.
Our final session in cricket focused on bowling and batting. Perhaps ask your child to demonstrate in the garden over the weekend the technique from star, seesaw to windmill to help them learn the bowling action in cricket. There was evidence of great bowling today. Next, we practised our batting skills and worked in teams to earn points by batting the ball between different zones.
In Science we started our second half term looking at plants, flowers and seeds. Today we linked our learning to our ongoing topic of seasonal change and revisited our class apple tree in the school playground. We first looked back at pictures of the tree during autumn and winter and discussed the changes, then we went outside to look closely at how the tree looks today. We could see many more green leaves; the spring blossom was all gone and in its place were tiny apples. We carefully sketched the tree noting all the details. Finally, we wrote down the changes we observed and discussed them. We can't wait to see the apples grow over the next few weeks. Finally, we each planted a seed, a sunflower, and will give it water, care and sunshine to allow it to germinate and grow over the next month.
Building on our introduction to ‘My Happy Mind’ last week we have found out more about how to make our brains grow! We have been thinking more about the different roles of team H-A-P who make up three key parts of your brain: the hippocampus, amygdala and prefrontal cortex and how, if we keep working on learning that we find tricky, we can grow our brains through neuroplasticity. A great example of this is how we have grown our brains in phonics this year: the new sounds we know and the way we apply these in our reading and writing.
This half term we will be focussing on Geography. We will be learning about oceans and continents around the world, the seas around Great Britain, the human and physical features of British beaches and the use of a compass. This week we have been finding out more about the 5 oceans and 7 continents around the world. Discussing these and places you have visited at home would help to personalise this learning.
We hope you have a fantastic weekend and look forward to a fun filled sports week in school when we return on Monday (in PE kits).
Many thanks
Mrs Pulle and Mrs Lindersen