Year 1 Pirate Day
Date: 15th Jul 2021 @ 3:51pm
Year 1 – Pirate Day
What a fun filled day we have had!
On Thursday we had a class full of captains and shipmates from across the seven seas rather than Year One children... Throughout the day we completed a range of art and geography activities. You can see pictures of the fun we had below.
In Art we started by looking at the work of Chris Gryder, in particular the tiles he creates. We looked at the patterns and textures, the colours, and the nature that he takes his inspiration from. We were able to discuss the parts of his work that we like and why we like them. Following on from this we worked on our sketching skills, producing three different sketches of shells. The first was an observational drawing, for the second sketch we could not take our pencils off the paper, the third involved using only patterns and mark making rather than lines and finally we created a sketch from memory with our eyes closed! Next, we looked at how we could print shells and make marks in clay and tried our ideas out in playdoh before creating our plans on paper. We then created our Chris Gryder inspired clay tiles. We can’t wait for you to see them.
In the afternoon we looked at positional language and how to direct someone around a grid using the following language: forwards, backwards, left turn and right turn after practically trying this out while giving friends instructions outside, and on paper, we went on a hunt for treasure. We were given a map with a set of instructions, we had to follow the instructions to find the second map, then the third and fourth. Finally, the fourth map led us tot the treasure and four of our pirate helpers worked hard to dig it up for us to enjoy.
Thank you for making this day such a special one for all the children, their costumes looked fantastic.
Mrs Pulle and Mrs Lindersen