Y4 wb 12.2

Date: 13th Feb 2024 @ 9:13am

In this final week of the half term, the class teachers stay with their class rather than moving around, teaching their subject in the afternoon. As a result, I have had the joy of being with Year 4 all week.

We have explored a variety of subjects this week. To begin with, in our PSHE work on keeping safe, the children created a board game with different scenarios that they may come across. They then discussed how to approach this, how it might make someone feel, who they might ask for help and what they would look out for in the future.

The children have been showing off their maturing writing skills this week in completing their diary write as if they are on the run and hiding from the guards at a border crossing. They have also been practising the core Year 4 skill of publishing- showing their handwriting skills. Many are now joining their letters confidently. We also had time this week to enjoy 'free write' time. The children had the freedom to choose what they wanted to write. We have had letters, stories about hippos, a day in the life of a footballer. I'm looking forward to reading them over the holidays.

Maths has posed a few challenges this week as we wade deeper into the fractions unit. We have been counting on from a whole number by adding fractions: one and a fifth, one and two fifths, one and three fifths, and also looking at what five fifths or three thirds would be. Pizza is always a great tool in this subject!

I have been very impressed with the maturity of the answers the children gave during the assessment of their RE unit. This unit looks towards Easter, as Jesus gains authority and power through his miracles and challenges of the Pharisses' authority. We have heard of the Transfiguration as a final sign to people that Jesus was indeed God made flesh and have also discussed the importance of the Sabbath both in Christianity and other religions.

PE this week was taken by Mrs Warren who designed an exciting mixed games lesson full of plenty of invasion games designed to increase fitness and ball control. It was great for me to have the chance to watch them bringing out their competitive spirit, shouting and encouraging each other on.

One highlight of the week has been The Wind in the Willows! Year 4 have loved the excerpts in our Guided Reading sessions during the last week and on Thursday afternoon we watched the 1996 movie version with David Jason accompanied by hot chocolate!

Friday closed with Science- always a joy for the children. Mr Cotton completed their investigations into solids, liquids and gases.

As the week came to a close, we celebrated acts of kindness in our certificates. Hazel has shown beautiful consideration throughout the week. Mr Cotton also awarded Issy a certificate for her description of the water cycle process.

Well done to the children for a successful half term. We all wish you a fun-filled week off and look forward to seeing you bright-eyed and bushy-tailed after the holidays.

Mrs Tice, Mrs Gleave and Mrs Warren


Brereton C E Primary School

School Lane, Brereton Green, Sandbach, Cheshire, CW11 1RN

Administration Assistant: Mrs S Henderson
or Senco: Richard Cotton

Tel: 01270 918931

Email: [email protected]

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