Y4 wb 10.2.25

Date: 14th Feb 2025 @ 3:32pm

What a fabulous half term we have had in Year 4, and what a day to end the term with the children happily dancing away at the disco.

We have finished our length and perimeter unit in maths and this week.  To find the perimeter used addition to find the missing side lengths of rectilinear shapes, then using
subtraction and finally using both operations to find more than  one missing side length. we have looked at regular and irregular polygons.  Children know that a rectilinear shape has straight lines that meet at right angles. 

The children really enjoyed planning and writing their persuasive letter to the witch in English asking her to return the stories' happy endings.  They published it in their English books and we couldn't believe the improvement in the standard of handwriting with more children having a go at joining their letters.

Spelling -  words ending with -ssion.  Rule rhyme - When do we add the shun sound with an -ssion? When a word ends in ss
or mit. Like impress, admit, impress, admit. When a word ends in ss or mit.  permit - permission  confess - confession. 

words ending with -cian.  Rule rhyme -  If the root word ends in c or cs and you want to make an occupation like optician, musician, optician, musician.  Just add -ian, just add -ian, just add -ian.  music - musician    mathematics - mathematician.

We completed our moral story, The Magic Drum, in Guided Reading and found out what happened to the tortoise and his magic tree. It would appear his children were rather greedy and broke the spell by their actions. The moral of the story, we decided, was if you are greedy and unkind you are destined for a miserable life.

We have worked hard in RE this week. As the weeks have progressed, we have seen how Jesus was beginning to show Himself to be both human and divine. This is through His miracles and events like The Transfiguration. We saw how He became more and more frustrated with authority and we discussed what the word 'authority' could stand for. This week, we have considered how He began to question the authority of the Pharisees and how this influenced figures like Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks. We completed a piece for our books all about how their actions were influenced by the teachings of Jesus. 

We also had our weekly PE session led by Miss Porteous. The children showed fabulous knowledge and skills and also the key ingredient of teamwork as they practised their passes and the completed several matches.

Also this week was Safer Internet Day. In Year 4, we watched out for scammers and their pop-ups!

Our makaton sign this week - Happy Birthday

Thank you for a fabulous half term and a particularly special thank you to Mrs McAree for the past few months in Year 4. We will miss her as she returns to Reception after the holidays.

Wishing you a wonderful holiday!

Miss Porteous, Mrs McAree, Miss Gadsby, Mrs Marshfiel and Miss Moran

Brereton C E Primary School

School Lane, Brereton Green, Sandbach, Cheshire, CW11 1RN

Administration Assistant: Mrs S Henderson
or Senco: Richard Cotton

Tel: 01270 918931

Email: [email protected]

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