What's happening in Year 4 WC 7.12.15
Date: 6th Dec 2015 @ 9:52pm
Maths: continuing with time looking at calculating time intervals and solving time problems.
English: After finishing our stories we will be starting our final unit of the term: Twas the Night Before Christmas and The Polar Express.
After posing some very interesting questions about electricity the children well be investigating how to make an electric circuit in Science.
I am very pleased with the topic work the children have produced this term and I hope they have enjoyed learning about the Tudors as much as we have! This week we will be transforming the front covers of our topic books, which they have now filled with some excellent work that I hope they are proud of.
Well done to those children that brought in their magazines for the writing competition. Miss Goff was very impressed with the high standard of entries from Year 4!
Mrs Saunders and Miss Kennedy