What's happening in Year 4 WC 14.12.15
Date: 12th Dec 2015 @ 11:03pm
We've reached the final week of our first term and what a busy term it's been! We've had British Values Day, a Tudor living history day at Tatton Park, Year 4 led a brilliant harvest service, KS2 football tournament, Remembrance Service, Tudor baking, a visit from Miss Pinky, everyone has started to learn a musical instrument (and some have even performed to an audience already!), Mad Science assembly, theatre trip to see Robin Hood and last week the Polar Express arrived in the classroom and we enjoyed hot chocolate in our pyjamas!
And if you thought we'd be winding down this week...think again! We have our Christmas party on Wednesday, Christmas Jumper Day and (most importantly) Christmas dinner on Thursday and on Friday, our Christmas carol service at church. In maths we will be doing some Christmas problem solving based on the four operations (add, subtract, multiply and divide) using all the strategies we've learnt so far. In English we'll continue working on The Polar Express, imagining what our own experience aboard would be like.