What a Wonderful Week!
Date: 4th Mar 2016 @ 9:18pm
We have had a fabulous week in Year 2, full of exciting activities.
At the start of the week many children attended the Fairtrade breakfast before school, to sample fairtrade products and learn about how we can help farmers to be paid fairly.
The children have played a fantastic rugby game with Mr Young in PE.
On Wednesday, our chick eggs arrived and were placed into the incubator, they are due to hatch in 19 days time, so we will keep you updated. In the afternoon we had a visit from Mr and Mrs Eaton with two gorgeous lambs, both only around 2 weeks old. We fed them using bottles and enjoyed stroking them and watching them skip around the outdoor classroom. Mrs Guy also kindly came in to teach about traditional dairy farm methods to milk cows and make butter. It tasted creamy and is very moreish!
On Thursday we all dressed up as book characters for World Book Day and shared some books with other children in different classrooms around school. The teacher in each classroom read one of their favourite stories too.
Finally on Friday it was our class assembly and we loved sharing our experiences of Beeston, which is a memory we will treasure forvever. We hope parents enjoyed tasting the butter we made too.
We hope you all have a lovely relaxing weekend and enjoy Mothering Sunday.